Fort Erie Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-27

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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHARTJTORT JTORT KSJIE OKT Augvat G Fortyaixth day Fort Erie Bacing Association AssociationSummer Summer Meeting Weather showery track heavy Presiding Judge Francis Nelaon Starter Mars Gaseidy Bacine starts at 2 80 p m TQ FIB8T BACE34 Mile Purse 3SO Syearolds and upward Belling ones A Wt St M Si BtrFin Jockeys Owners 27775 CHEYAL DOB S 107 a la 33 2 li Harden Haydea Nagle Mannix 2 22235 2 2 3 5 27T40 DHOGHEDA S 87 4 S 21 2 S s L Jackson R H Loud On 2 22245 S lS 27775 THE LAUBEL 4 W 1 127SS5 H 12 12 Si Hedfern Baker Gibson 15 IS 15 6 27SS5 BADINAGE 4 1111 3 6J fio 6 410 LThompsnJ Walters 4552 27775 INNOMINATUU 4 104 7 Si 5 41 5 Adams I Tilt 5 It 10 I 27776 BLACKFOBD S 101 S 4 41 630 60 Pemberton A Brown Co 8 10 10 4 Z76S3 AVOCA 5 191 8 8 S 7 7 C Wilson J Cochrana 6 7 7 2i 27740 GBANDEUB 4 108 6 7788W Morris J J Carroll 8 10 10 4 Timo 24 50 1171 Winner 1171Winner B h by Onondnga Jersey Girl GirlWeat Weat to poet at 254 At post 3 Minutes Start straggling Won driving second the same The first tiree foaght it out sharply in the stretch Hnydan saved ground with ChevaldOr all the way omo through on the rail at the stretch tarn and finished strongly Drogheda swung wide into the stretch aad lost ground but got eecond place in the final atrida Tka Laurel waa tiring at the ead Innominatum did not like the going ScraUhsd goingScraUhsd 2T473 Tke Tory 104 17841 Free Play 97 27776 Chairman 34 Overweights 34Overweights Badinage Si pounds Blackford 4 Avoca 2 Grandeur 4 Cheval dOr show out Drogheda show out The Laurel show 3 to 1 SBCOND BAC5 18 Belongs Purse Z50 2yearoldB Allowances fed Horsoa A Wt S St X X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27640 EASY BTBEET 108 5 52774S 12 is i 12 LThompsnN Dyment 75 21 1151 2774S ABBEY DELL 109 1 12757S 2 2 1 2io Troxler E L Graves 3 Si S 1 2757S BOURBON KING 9S S 41 Si S 31 Adams Charles Bay 8 Si 3 27695 APPOINTEE 110 6 61051 4 4i McQaada JWild fcCo 7 S 8 I 27558 LATHBOP 105 4 5ii 6 51 55 W White MrsMLuzader 115 50 SO 12 27808 CODEINE 10S 2 Jii 4 6 0 650 Blake M A Swigert 3 Si 3 1 27778 WOODMANBTEM 113 7 7777 Minder Mrs M C LyleeColO 10 6 2 Time 241 511111 Winner 511111Winner B c by Longitreat Game Last LastWent Went to post at 322 At post T minutes Start good Won easily second the same Easy Street made his own running and was never in trouble Abbey Dell easily held the others safe Bourbon King was doing his best all the way and his rider was hustling him along at the end to stall off Appointee Cousine did not like the going Woodmansten seemingly could not raise an ordinary gallop gallopBcratched27579Ingo Bcratched27579Ingo 106 27807 Viviani 98 98Easy Easy Street show 1 to 2 Abbey Dell show 1 to 2 Bourbon King show 1 to 2 Cousino show 1 to 2 THIBD BACE 1 11G Mile Purse 800 Syearolds and upward Allowances tod Horzua A Wt St 34 K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 277412GBAY DALLY 8 93 1 1 1 1 1 11 L Jackson F Beagan 1 1 910 out 27742BADFOBD out27742BADFOBD 4 104 2 4 4 21 28 28 LThompsnD LamasneyCo65 75 75 25 27742 FILIBUBTEB 7 99 4 33 la 4 8 Si M Hill B F Myers 4662 277423MONTBEAL 4662277423MONTBEAL 3 85 S 2 31 Si 4 4 Adams H Alexander 4441 Time 4441Time 25i 511 1 18 1 451 1 5Z WInnerGr 5ZWInnerGr c by Belvidere Lindele LindeleWent Went to poet at 358 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily socond the same Gray Dally was at home in the going and was never extended Badford was under a hard drive in the last half to get up Filibuster and Montreal fonght it out for third money The latter floundered about all the way and evidently dont like the mud mudOverweights Overweights poundBadford Filibuster 1 pound Badford show out Filibuster show 7 to 10 Montreal show 1 to 3 27845 FOUBTH KACE 34 JOlle Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances tad Horeea A Wt Bt M H StrFin Jockevs Owners O H C P 27576 BPKINGVTELLB S 101 6 7 41 1 Hi Troxler G Hendrie 311 2 45 Z7779COMPETITOB 45Z7779COMPETITOB 3 103 5 i 61 41 2 LThompsnLamasney Bros 78485 27744 J J T 5 111 4 51 H 1 36 C ITilsoa Miller Co 15 15 10 4 27779JTYBBA 5 105 S Si 2 S 42 McQuade B L Cole 2 2i 2 45 25309 CURTSEY 3 106 1 2 SI 62 51 Cucnghem J J Mackesser 3773 276S8 3773276S8 L HAMMEBTON 3988 8886L Jackson L Smitha Co 4 8 8 3 27776 JOHN BBOWN S 100 2 1 7 7 7 Callahan Cahill Andersons 10 10 4 27614LELIA BABB 3 102 7 4 5a 5 8 M Johnson H L Johnson 8 10 10 4 Time 25501 117 Winner 117Winner Ch m by Derwontwater Noblesse NoblesseWent Went to post at 4 2i At post IS minntos Start good Woa easily second driving Spring wells went all around her field after beginning slowly and came away without much of an effort at the end Competitor ran a good race and made up a lot of ground from a bad beginning J J T had to go all around his field to get up He appeared like a winner at the stretch turn but quit Tyrba had no mishaps but tired as did Curtsey CurtseyBcratched27003 Bcratched27003 Edge worth 100 27779 Flaneur 100 100Bpringwells Bpringwells show out Competitor show 4 to 5 J J T show 2 to 1 Tyrba show out 27846 FIFTH BACE 24 ftUie Purse 5250 3yearolds and upward Selling led Honoa A Wt Bt J4 X StrFin Jockeye Owners O H 0 P 27779 HIK AWAY 4 104 1 li 12 Hi 12 Jackson E Moore 4S 45 71025 27697 IDA PENZANCE 3 101 6 7 S 58 2 C Wilson W Weir Co 4552 277402LADY HAYMAN 3 1011 5 3 21 22 310 LThompsnJ K Lane Co 3731 27780 LITTLE BITA 5 99 2 4 5 4 42 W Woods B Walters 30 80 12 5 27740 NONA B 6 107 3 21 42 510 56 Troxler Charles Bay 7885 27740 INNISCABA 3 95 7 6 7 6a 610 M Johnson W Jennings 44485 27557 DEWEY D 4 101 4 52 6 7 7 Callahan Mrs G H Pierce 30 40 40 15 Time 15Time 25 51 1 18i Winner 18iWinner B g by Getaway High Nun NunWent Went to post at 5 05 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Hie Away outclassed his company made his own running and won as hie rider pleased The next two fought it out closely and Ida Penzanoe got second place in the final stride Lady Haymau was badlyScratched used up in chasing Hie Away Inniscara was off badly Scratched 27699 Glad Hand 99 99Overweights Overweights Ida Ponzanca 1 pound Lady Hayman 21 21Hie Hie Away show out Ida Penzance show evens Lady Hayman show 2 to 5 Inniscara show 4 to 5 OrTOrT SIXTH BACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M H BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27695 Hanna27B742I8AAC WILLAHD J 99 4 12 1 13 16 it Jackson E H Hanna 4 4 Si 75 27B742I8AAC Oliver2700S HOPPEB 102 2 6 61 4 42 21 Callahan W Oliver 15 15 15 6 2700S Haassler278102LIT IDLE CHAT 97 9 52 5 62 3n 3 W Woods F Haassler 20 25 25 12 278102LIT TOM TUCKEB112 377774 Blake P M Civill 85 2i 21 1 26324 SABAGAMP 10 6 8 8 8 6 5 Bedfern J McNanght 44485 27577 NAINSOOK 103 7 21 21 211 5i 61 LThompsnJ E Lane 27745 PUNCTUAL 104 1 3 31 S 2 7 Troxler O L Biohard 6 7 F 276952 FABSIGHT 1011010 9988 Pemborton PnmhortnnT8JNnfi E J Nash 8 8 i 27695 AUBOUS 106 8 4 41 6 9 I 9 Minder Mrs M O LylesCo7 8 276253ALEX PEABSON 104 3 9 10 10 1010 McQuade Mrs M Luzader 366 Time 366Time 25 51i 119 147 Winner 147Winner Br g by Pactolua War Dance II IIWent Went to post at 533 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second riddin ont Wil lard J waa baet and made a show of his company The nert two fought It out throughout tha last eighth after Punctual tired Isaac Hopper finished stoutly and was going away from Idle Chat at the finish Little Tommy Tucker was badly cut off on tho first turn He had no ohanca after that but closed a big gap Nainsook showed speed for threequarters Alex Pearson could goingCorrected not extend himself in the going Corrected wei hta Little Tommy Tucker112 Tucker112Tuck8rflhow3to5 ° Ui how 5 to 1 LittlTomtnr Tuck8rflhow3to5 SaragampflhowitoS

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Local Identifier: drf1901082701_5_2
Library of Congress Record: