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SARATOGA ENTRIES Probnbllitiaa Waathar clear track good Flrtt Boeo1 116 SXUcs Syearolda and upward Soiling SoilingInd Ind Horebfi Ago Wt Hdcp 22474 Asqnith 4 112 720 37813 Handcuff 5 112 710 27813 Astor 6 109 715 71527S413Tho 27S413Tho Black Scot 4 109 710 27522 Armor 4 109 725 72527T73 27T73 Thoroughbred S105 700 27839 Cogswell 8 105 705 27714 Chaoa 3 102 700 700275J8 275J8 Hardshell 3 100 705 705Second Second Baco 78 Mllo MlloSrveroids Srveroids and upward Handicap 26101 Knight of Rhodes 4 126 725 725Z747tAll Z747tAll Gold 4 113 750 750Z78172Chnctanunda Z78172Chnctanunda 3 117 730 7302t7S7 2t7S7 Bollario 8 Ill 735 735278373t 278373t Finnsn 4100 740 23235 Politician 3 96 700 700Third Third Race 1 18 Sliles SlilesSyGBTolds SyGBTolds and upward Handicap The Champlain Stakes Value 3000 30002T5BOSRockton 2T5BOSRockton 4 124 740 74027635Decanter 27635Decanter 6 Ill 735 73519040Oobnrg 19040Oobnrg 4 103 750 75027663Kinnikinnick 27663Kinnikinnick 7 105 725 725278152Baron 278152Baron Pepper 3 102 720 720Fourth Fourth Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs2ycarolda 2ycarolda Allowances AllowancesInd Ind HorsBS color sex podlgrcs W t Hdcp 26127 James P Keating 114 685 27047 Illuminate 110 690 27662 Honolulu 107 715 715266603Eddie 266603Eddie Busoh 104 720 720Alack Alack b c by Hour of Na ¬ varre Lack aDaisy 104 27774 Rockey 102 705 27393 Schwalba 101 725 27664 Montana Pioneer 101 710 37664 Similar 101 700 27664 Equalize 100 700 700276323Bhandonfleld 276323Bhandonfleld 160 705 26985 Had Damsel 99 715 27053 The Pride of Surrey 99 710 87566 High Carnival 97 700 27662 Cats Paw 97 695 27838 Nanaimo 97 705 27662 CaBiville 95 695 27770 Fontenbc 92 710 710Fifth Fifth Baco 1 Mile and 7O Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward AOowanoos AOowanoosInd Ind Horsts Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp19035Sam 19035Sam Phillips 4 US 750 750224742AEquith 224742AEquith 4116 725 27771 Alstke 5 113 710 27509 Mayor Gilroy 4 113 705 27322 Armor 4113 720 27735 Rock Storm 3 106 715 715277732Colonel 277732Colonel Ballentyno 3 106 730 27773 Bounteous 3 103 715 27813 Lady Chorister 3 101 730 730278122Agnea 278122Agnea D 3 100 735