American Sporting Manual., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-27


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AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAI The American Sporting Manual of 1591 con tains all racing records at large revieed and complete up to tho and of 1900 four handicap ping systems with directioni for their praotlazl application a tablo showing how to computi bookmaking parcsntages track records of all lha rocoguiEod tracks of the country the west ¬ ern and eastern scales of weights tables show Ing tho comparative speod of tracks a comploit list of pugilistic contests of 1939 of any coni qnanca trotting and pacing records at all din tancoi and a list of tha new 215 trotteri of IStt Alao a complata record of Eorformancoz at c ityloi of billiards

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Local Identifier: drf1901082701_3_10
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