untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-27


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BUNCOBRONCHO INFORMATION CO COHat Hat Mitchell 123 Lucky Locket Harry New Event of Rain Harry New and Evening Star As 6ood Thing Haviland Place and Show Best Bet of the Day Max Bendix BendixTODAY TODAY TODAYIn In First Race a Real Sweet One will be 10 to I a place and I Think will Beat Elmer L Will Guarantee 123 and also Two Winners OIA JY OptiUldlb nPPiah fnr IU1 I IU fi Ul nr S9 fnr IUI finP UIIC Wired to aQy Part of tQo world May require two weeks to deiiTQr aB only wira iorees of Oddsnot hot favorites favoritesH H J Allard always at office to explain any matter I with my track man every morning as you know Office 176 8 Clark St in ticket offico On sale at 1130 am at newsstand Buacheast corner Clark and Madison Sts COL J C WOOTERS MOB 94 LINCOLN AVE Attention AttentionTo To all turf followers Why not be successful All my patrons are coining money daily on my spociala spocialaNothing Nothing Succeeds Like Success SuccessSmcceBBiamy SmcceBBiamy 20IH CENTUEY TDBP BYSTEtf This valuable booklet mailed in plaia envelope FREE FREE FREEOwing Owing to the largo income from my many patroas enables me to pay high pcicaa for reliable in ¬ formation which I aim as special It is not always the horsaa with the highest Scares but host condition horse that wins The beat of handicappira purchase my shset d illy for the insido which I am next of condition of horaa that I specify on my apacial shoot TWO WINNING SPECIALS GUARANTEED OR TODAY MONEY REFUNDED TODAY YESTERDAY A WINNING SHEET Licy Locket place 11 Brief place 11 Malay Lost Evening Star 41 Won Goo Arnold 45 H of Trastamare 31 place For the benefit of all those who cannot call at my offica myapacial ahaet for Bale at same stands as usual usualRATES RATES 100 DAILY 400 WEEKLY WIRED 11 A M TO ANY CITT CITTChicago Chicago and St Louis Most CV inPlfTY VIP RQITTDU ROOM 61O 61OSuccessful Successful Handicapper LAJUUfLI I III Dill I I UN 235 DEARBORN ST STNote Note All my old special sheets of this season can be aacnred at my office free

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901082701/drf1901082701_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1901082701_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800