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DELMAR PARK ENTRIES. Probabilities : Weather cloudy ; track heavy. First Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 34889 Accolade 4.... 110 705 33:i9l2Macon 5. ...107 700 34889 Mona B 6.. ..107 705 34707 Fred Hessig 4... .107 710 34985 Yellowstone 3.. ..106 725 34738 RoBe of Red 3....103 715 34589 Lynch 3.... 101 720 33885 Quixada 3.. ..101 700 34144 Broodier 3.. ..101 ......695 34861 Jane Oaker 3.... 98 690 34654 Herodes 3.... 98 710 349503Duela 3.... 96 715 Second Race 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 34919 Gas Lighter 108 705 348903Miss Eon 105 710 S4802Barnucle 105 725 34981 The Advocate 104 700 S48292Wolfram 104 710 34921Pourquoi Pas 104 720 34921 Py Wax See 101 700 34442 A Convict 99 690 349213Kings Lady 96 715 34676 Judge Can trill., 96 690 Third Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward, Selling. 34710 Swordsman 8.. ..107 725 34742 Guide Rock 7.... 107 720 34952 Lofter 5.... 107 705 34984 Zonne 5.. ..105 715 34706 Saragamp 4.... 104 700 34952 Kunja. 6. ...104 .710 34831 Brown Vail 6. ...104 705 34862 Maggie Felix 5... .104 700 34891 Polly Bixby 5. ...104 695 34952 Russian 4.. ..104 715 34952 Rochester 5.. ..102 695 S49522Flop 7.... 99 710 Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. The Meramec Stakes. ,000 added. 349222Ethylene 3.. ..106 750 34831 Alice Turner 5.... 104 735 34863Edgardo 5.. ..104 735 34983 Wax Taper 5.. ..103 740 34980Sambo 3... .100 730 349832Lunar 5.... 100 725 34983 Kittie Clyde 5.. ..100 730 34771 Helen Print 3.... 90 720 Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 34712 Weird 7.. ..114 705 Kala 4... .108 34073 Mizzonra 6.... 107 710 34440 Laura G. G 5.. ..104 700 34955 Our Lady 4... .104 715 31018 Una Price 4.. ..104 700 35013 Ed L 8.. ..104 725 34980 Amigari 3... .103 700 347703 Hainault 3.. ..103 710 349803Faranlass 3.. ..101 720 34985 Anna Elliott 3.... 98 715 33807 Brannigan 3.... 98 705 Sixth Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 3495SBengal 4.. ..112 720 349203Sinfi 4.. ..Ill 715 S31S5 Eleven Bells 5... .109 700 34955 Federalist 5.... 107 705 29048 Sue Johnson 5 .... 107 710 3HHJoe Lesser 4. ...107 705 3l9.02KissQuick 5.. ..104 725 34920 Optimo 3.. ..103 710 34982 Sweet Dream 4.. ..102 700 34950Lou Hazel 3.... 98 715 Seventh Race 1 3-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. S3809 Potheen 3.... 99 705 ! 349543JosieF 3.... 93 715 34893 Little Tommy Tucker 4.... 93 700 I 349552Kingstelle 4.... 95 715 i 35014 Bacchus 3.... 9a 710 J 349542Hucena 3.... 95 ilO 349242Cherished 4.... 9. i05 ; 34924LindenElla 5.... 9a , 725 i 35015SaIinda 7.... 9o 720 I