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s?liiTHE ILLINOIS Boom 623, 225 Dearborn St., Tel. Har. 1876. COUSIN KATE Special 6-5 WON ESCUTCHEON Special 7-10 WON 2 SPECIFIED SPECIALS GUARANTEED Did vou do it if not, why not? CITY PARK 5 WINNERS AND A SCRATCH. February 28, John Garner, 5-1: Orly, 6-5; Flori-zel, 8-5; Charawind, 9-1; Airship, 7-10. i5J Fridays Corker 5J DO YOU WANT WINNERS ? If so, come to 023. Our horses are out to win, do win. "Do yours?" Buy the best. Try them all. but when down and out, try Illinois; we always make good. PLUME ON BOW SPECIALS TODAY Supreme Court 7-5 T RAY, 3rd, 13-5 fl " were my 2 specials yesterday COLLINS, I HTOM 119 L1ASAI1I.E ST., ROOM 65 I MAIN 4392. .00 day. .00 week. E JUDGE P NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. Room 37, 71 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. I.OO PHU MONTH B CKNT P""-R flOPV Fridays Special: Florida, Marble, Music. Parrot. Thursdays Special: GARNISH, 12-5 WON. STAKES FOR SPRING MEETING, 1906. TENNESSEE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION CUMBERLAND PARK TO CLOSE THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1906. J. W. RUSSWURM, Secretary, NASHVILLE, TENN. CUMBERLAND DERBY, ,000 Added. A sweepstake for three-year-olds foals of 1003. 5 to accompany the nomination and 00 additional to start. The Club to add ,000, of which 00 to second and 00" to third, fourth to save stake. Colts to carry 122 lbs, fillies and geldings 117. Winners of a race at any time of ,000 value when carrying weight for ace, 5 lbs. extra. Allowances: Those not having woii a race at any time of the value of ,500, 5 lbs.; of ,000, 7 lbs.; of three races of any value selling purses excepted, 10 lbs.; maidens, 18 lbs. One and One-Eighth Miles. CITIZENS HANDICAP, ,000 Added. A handicap sweepstake, for three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination and 0 additional to start, with ,000 added, of which 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights to apiiear three days before the race. The winner of a race of the value of ,000 after publication of weights are announced to carry 5 lbs. penalty. Such penalty not to exceed scale of weight if handicapped at less. Thote weighted at scale or more than scale weight by the bandicapper will not be subject to a penalty. One Mile and a Sixteenth. GERST BREWING CO. SELLING STAKE, ,000 Added A selling sweepstake for three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination and 0 additional to stait. The Club to add ,000. of which 00 to second and third. Those entered not to Ik- sold to carry 5 His. extra. If entered to be sold for ,500 to carry weight for age; if for less. 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,000. then 1 lb. for each 00 to ,400, then 1 lb. for each 00 to 00. Starters and selling price to be named through the entry Ikjx. the day preceding the race and those so named are liable for the starting fee. One Mile. AV0NDALE STAKE, ,000 Added. A sweepstake for two-year-olds. 0 to accompanv the nomination and 0. additional to start. The Club to add ,000. of which 00 to second and 00 to third. Winners of a sweepstake to carry 3 lbs. extra selling stake excepted. Allowances: Non-winners of a sweepstake, 5 lbs.; non-winners of two races, other than selling races, S lbs. Maidens. 12 lbs. Four and One-Half Furlongs. BELLE MEADE STAKE, ,000 Added. For two-year-old tillies. 0 to accompany the nomination, 0 additional to start. The -Club to add ,000, of which 00 to second and 00 to third. Winners of a sweepstake, 3 lbs. extra; of two, 5 lbs. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Four Furlongs. Address all Communications to J. W. RUSSWURM, Secretary, Tennessee Breeders Association, Nashville, Tenn. TURF REPORTERS DAILY FORM LETTER. fjmk FIGURES COMBINED WITH INFORMATION iSH8SJ S1.00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. . y Room 3I2 59 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Phone Central 5825. -YESTERDAY OUR LETTER GAVE ST. TAMMANY 11-5 WON SCHOOLMATE 9.5 WON BELLINDIAN Special 12-5 Third ESCUTCHEON 7-10 WON THE GLEAM 2-1 Third SIZZ 1 6-1 Third SONOMA BELLE 3-1 WON CANEJO 13-1 Second HOCUS POOUS Special 8-1 Second THE LADY ROHESIA 11-5 Second GOLDSMITH 7-5 Second NOTICE .Everybody that got yesterdays sheet return same and get todays FREE, as per our guarantee. PRESERV ATOR 9-1 WON 5-1 TODAY ------ 8-1 TOMORROW Daily Specials: .00 a Day, .00 a Week. Dally special filed with this pabllcation at 10:00 A. Itl. C TIC Suite 84, 119 LA SALLE STREET m J I I CHICAGO BRANCH. Phone Main 3645. I I Send Communications to GEO. OTIS WINDSOR M FORT ERIE OppOSite DetWlt - GEORGE M. HENPR1E, President. WALTER O. PARMER, Secretary. - OppOSite BlltfalO ENTRIES CLOSE MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1906. Northern Racing Circuit Meetings: ONTARIO JOCKEY CLUB, Toronto, - - - - May 19 to June 2 I HIGHLAND PARK CLUB, Windsor, June i6 to July 7 HAMILTON JOCKEY CLUB, Hamilton, June 5 to J6 I HIGHLAND PARK CLUB, Fort Erie, - - - - July J7 to August 25 AUTUMN MEETINGS TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER. To BE Run AT WINDSOR, ONT. THE FRONTIER STAKE, ,500. A sweepstakes for three-year-olds; 0 to accoinpanr tlie nomt- THE ROYAL OAK FARM STAKE, ,500. For two-year-olds. 0 to accompany the nomination. 0 nation, 5 additional to start; Talue of staka to be ,500, of which ,800 to the winner, 00 to second, additional to start. Value, ,500, of which ,200 to the winner, 00 to second and 00 to third. Win- 00 to third, the fourth 00. Winners of a race of ,000 value In 1005 to carry 3 lbs. extra: of two ners of a race of ,000 value to carry lbs. extra; of two races of the aggregate value of ,000, or one three-year-old stakes of any value, or one stake of ,000, 5 lbs. extra; non-winners of a race of ,500 in f ,000 value, 5 lbs. extra: non-winners of a race of ,000 value that have not won four races of any 1000 that have not won two stakes of any value in 100C allowed 5 lbs.; if such have not won three races value allowed 4 lbs.; If such have not won two races, 10 lbs.; maidens, 12 lbs. lu 1000, S lbs.; two races, 15 lbs.; fillies allowed 8 lbs. One and One-Eighth Miles. Four and One-Half Furlongs. THE DETROIT STAKE, ,500. A selling stake for two-year-olds, 0 to accompany nomination. 0 WINDSOR SELLING STAKE. ,500 For three-year-olds and upward: 0 to accompanv the nomi- additional to start. Value ,500, of which ,200 to the winner, 00 to secotul atld 00 to nation, 0 additional to start. Value, ,500, of which ,200 to the winner, 00 to second and 00 third; ,000 weight for age; 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 less to ,000. then 1 lb. allowed for each S100 to third; ,000 weight for age; 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,000, then 1 lb. for each 00 to ,000. Jessi to 00. Winners of three stakes not to be entered for less than ,000. Five Furlongs. Then 2 lbs. for each 00 to 00. Those entered not to be sold, If three-year-olds only, to carry S lbs. THE INTERNATIONAL STEEPLECHASE, ,200. A handicap steeplechase, 0 to accompanv the extra; if four-year-olds and upward, 3 lbs. extra. One and One-Sixteenth Miles, nomination. 0 additional to start. Value. ,200. of which 1906.sh00 to the winner, 00 to second and . , , . . , 00 to third. Weight to appear three days prior to the race; acceptances the day preceding race, at THE ESSEX STAKE, m .T ,500. -,,:,,, A handicap for all ages; 0 to accoiupanythe nomination, 0 addi- usual time of closing of entries. Full Course, tional to start. Value, ,500, of which ,200 to the winner, 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights ONTARIO STEEPLECHASE. A handicap, 0 to accompany nomination and 5 additional to start, to appear three days prior to the nice. Acceptances through entry box at usual time of closing of en- Value, ,000, of which 00 to first, 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights to appear three days tries. Winners after publication of weights to carry 3 lbs. extra. Six Furlongs, prior to race; acceptance the day preceding race at usual time of closing of entries. Short Course. To BE Run at FORT ERIE. THE CANADIAN DERBY, ,000 A sweepstake for three-year-olds. 0 to accompany the noiniua- THE FORT ERIE STAKE, ,500. For three-year-olds and upward, 0 to accompany nomination and tlon. 00 additional to start. Value of the stake to be ,000, of which ,300 to the winner. 00 to 0 additional to start. Value. ,500, of which ,200 to the winner. 00 to second and 00 to third, second, 00 to third, fourth to save start. Winners of a three-year-old stake of ,500 value to carry 3 Those entered for ,500 to carry weight for age; allowances, 2 lbs. for each 50 to ,500. 1 lb. for each lbs. extra; of any two stakes in 10CK! of aggregate value of ,000, or one of ,000 value, 5 lbs. extra: 00 less to ,000, then 2 lbs. for each 00 less to 00. Seven Furlongs, uon-winners of a three-year-old stake of ,200 value that have not won three races this year, selling races THE IROSUOISE HOTEL STAKE, ,500. A handicap for two-year-olds, 0 to accompany the norol- excepted, allowed 7 lbs.; non-winners this year, 12 lbs.; maidens, IS lbs.; fillies allowed S lbs. nation, 0 additional to start. Value. -,500. of which ,200 to winner. 00 to second and 00 to One and One-Quarter Miles, third. Weights to be announced three days prior to race: acceptances through entry bos at usual time of THE BUFFALO STAKE, ,500. A selling stake for three-year-olds and upward, 0 to accompany olosing of entries. Winners after publication of weights to carry 3 lbs. extra. Five and One-Half Furlongs. the nomination, 0 additional to start. Value. ,500, of which ",200 to the winner. 00 to second and THE HAMILTON STAKE, ,500 For two-year-olds, 0 to accompany the nomination. 0 addl- 00 to third; ,000 weight for age; 4 lbs. allowed for each 00 less to ,000, then 1 lb. for eaeh 00 tional to start. Value. ,500. of which ,200 to the winner, 00 to second and 00 to third. Winners less to 00. One Mile, of two stakes of aggregate value of ,200 since May 15th to carry 5 lbs. extra; non-winners of a race of ,... ,000 value allowed 5 lbs.; if such have not won four races, S lbs.; of two races, 12 lbs.; maidens. 15 lbs. GENESSEE HOTEL HANDICAP. ,500 For three-year-olds. 0 to accompany the nomination. 0 Five Furlon; additional to start. Value. ,500, of which ,200 to the winner, 00 to second. 00 to third. Weights HOTEL LAFAYETTE STAKE, ,500 A selling stake for two-year-olds. 0 to accompany nomina-to appear three days prior to the race, acceptances the day preceding the race at usual time of closing of lion and 0 additional to start. Value. ,500, of which ,200 to first, 00 to second 00 to third-entries. One Mile. ,000 weight for age; 2 lbs. for each 00 less to ,000, then 1 lb. for each 00 less to 00 Winners tW t0 b0 Cntertd 93; l be Sld t0 THE CANADIAN SPORTSMANS HANDICAP, .500.-For three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accom- hVeearteMile pany the nomination and 0 additional to start. Value, ,500, of which ,200 to the winner. 00 to THE GRAND CANADIAN STEEPLECHASE. ,200. A handicap steeplechase. 0 to accompany the secoBd and 00 to third. W eights to appear three days prior to the race; acceptances through entry box nomination. 0 additional to start. Value, ,200, of which 1906.sh00 to the winner. 00 to second and S100 at usual time of closing of entries day before race. Winners, after publication of weights. lbs. extra. to .third. Weights to be announced three days prior to race; acceptances to be made throu"h entrv box One and One-Sixteenth Miles, at usual time of closing of entries. Full Course. SPECIAL NOTICE No entry will be received for any of theso stakes except upon this condition: That all disputes, claims and objections arising out of the racinp, or with respect to the interpretation of the conditions of any stake, shall be decided by a majority of the executive committee present, or thes6 whom they may appoint, and their decisions upon all points shall b6 final. Address Entries and All Communications to WALTER Os PARMEPr3ecrery, ?18 Hammond BuUdlng, Detroit, Mich,