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SALE OF CAST-OFFS AT SHEEPSHEAD BAY. Woolwich Is the Star of a Poor Lot Fred Burlew Gets Him for ,050. New York, June 30. Race horses in training, the property of August Belmont, S. J. Lawlor, A J. Joy- ner, William Lakeland, F. T. Meehan, Dudley Hollis. R. T. Wilson, Jr. and Andrew Miller, were sold In the Sheepshead Bay paddock today. Low prices were obtained for the majority of the cast-offs put up, Some of tlicni could hardly be given away. Twenty-eight head brought a total of ,9S0. The summary: PROPERTY OP MR. A. BELMONT. Woolwich, ch. v, 3, by Hastings Woodvine; F. Burlew ,050 Officer, b. g, 2, by St. Blaise Ortegal; J. Mara , 100. Nancy, b. f. 2, by Hustings Nineveh; P. Burlew 1,000 Lady Vincent, b. f, 2. by St. Blaise Lady; Violet; A. L. Aste . 500 Woodwitcli. ch. f. 2, by Octagon Woodvine; A. Mollnelll 1,250 Sagapanak ,ch. g, 2, by St. Blaise Souver- alne; C. B. Reld , 350 PROPERTY OF MR. DUDLEY HOLLIS. Contend, b. g, 3. by Galore Conjectrlx; C. A. Reynolds 75 Dorothy, gr. f. 3, by Gotham Opcechee; S. J. Lawlor 100 Lady Hindoo, blk. f. 3, by Huron Treasure Trove; E. L. Davis 100 Sollman, ch. g, 3, by Solitaire II. Bohemian Lass; S. J. Lawlor 175 PROPERTY OF MR. C. A. MEZGER. Allspice, b. e. 2, by Northampton Bit of Spice; Cash 50 Brownie A., ch. f, 2, by Don de Oro Susie Hall; J. Corbett 100 Grandmas Boy, .ch. c. 2, by Merry Boy Grandma; P. Smith 35 PROPERTY OP MR. JAMES BEATT1E. Loo Swatts. b. g, 2, by Galore Shapely; P. Smith t 35 Valley Dance, b. g, 2, by Galore Stratlireel; P. Smith 50 Higglnbothani. b. g, 2, by Ballyhoo Bey Manzanita II.; W. Applegate 1,000 Miss Ofllclous. b. f, 2, by Meddler Ballyhoo; B. Schreibefc 500 J. W. S., ch g, 2. by Lleber Karl Mlnty Gore; .1. B. Hannou 55 PROPERTY OP VARIOUS OWNERS. Reindeer, b. g, 3. by Rainbow Acc of Hearts; H. D. Andrews 70 Ell, ch. g. 3, bv Slelpner Ella Jones. W. R. Grace : 500 Coeur De Lion, li.c. l, by Alltert Idlewild HI; J. K. Fischer 100 Right Off, ch. g. 2, by Rapallo Immediate; G. Teladino 00 Gold Ten, 1. f, -1, by Goldcrest Miss Teimy; A. L Aste 450 Doubloon, b. f. 2. by Goldcrest Miss Tcnny; J. E. Fischer ..... 100 Eccentrical, ch. g, 4, by Goldfinch Eccentricity; II. Richards 50 Vidus, b. c. 2, by Peep o Day Nana II.; W. Easton 75 Thraclan, b. c, 2, by Ornament Arena; Cash 50