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RACING CARRIES THE BURDEN. "The buzzards are happy," says Pop in the Toronto Sunday World. "A man was arrested here for defaulting in 00,000. He said stocks had gone the wrong way with him and avowed he had never seen a racecourse. All the same a reporter on a Toronto daily said the money had been lost in stocks and at the races. It was an untruth, but as long as the horses are dragged in the lie is justified in the act. But the buzzards are happy. Another defaulter In "a couple of hundred thousand dollars has been heard from. He actually had a betting book and, of course, Is worth more than the other fellow by that much, although even he only took to the races to make up his defalcations in stocks, and he succeeded to some extent, too. You can lie, steal, cheat and murder In stocks and still be virtuous, but look upon the horses and jail or the gallows for yours. And yet thcreare more people ruined in stocks and more- money lost in a day -than at the races in, a year."