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15-1 SPECIAL TODAY A liummcr. tit an.l ivaily. nicclv [ilac.l. am all thing* are atteaded to. Shoald breeae all tka way al aboat 18 to 1. Bare is your opportunity ami dont fail to take adraatace of it. what I idrc you is the geeda «t ■ price witii atahle eoaaeetioaa tietiini; a tumch. l am etroagty eonaected ami can eoBTtaee the most skeptical person uitii a short trial. BILL LESTER and CO., Suite 37, 90 La Salle St., Chicago, III. Tel. Main 2928. Owners and Trainers. terms: .00 Daily, or 0 for 6 Guaranteed Winners.