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OAKLAND ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; tra. k fast. Racing starts at 1 :40 p.m. Chicago time :;.40 p m. ■ linns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 4-year olds and upward. Allowances, ind. Hemes. a. Wi. Hdep. 88438* Andrew P.. Cook ft. .111. . X..725 68408*... Maeedo 1. ill.. ...20 0N2O4. . . .I.ein Reed 7. .180 715 0s2ol ... . Pelliam 5..10S 71o 083311 ..Mi.lmonl 4..1o4.. .". lo 67070. . . . Interlude ft. .IOM. . . .705 08301 . ihieorka Maid 6. .108.. X ..705 6008ft Canard. 4..BM 705 01020 Minta o :•... »:: 700 67073. ...Willie Gregg ft.. Ion.. . .ft05 88103. . . .Smithy Kane 5. .1oS. . ■- . .O.tO 48803... . Linir 7.1O0.. . .ft!K Second Race — 5-8 Mile. 3 year olds and upward. Allowances. 68067. . .Grasaeatter 4. .102. . y . .725 0078S...Kscalante 8.. 111.. X.. 720 68408 .. .Aaron .1 o . . 1 os . . . . •, 1 :, 68336* . . .Bill Mavham 10. .10S 715 06030. . . T.M-olaw ft. . 1 1 1 . . ■ . .7lo 0JCKSO. . . .Phalanx 5. ,111. .X.. 710 07073*... Creston Boy 4. .107 7lo «.S35ft Burning Bush ::.. 05..y..7o5 6833:1 7.11sa :; . . BR 706 61867.... Bucolic 7. JOB,. X. -TOO fts4oo La Chata 4. .102. . X . .TOO 68408.. ..hUsa Prora 600 Third Race— 5-8 Mile. 2 year old-. AHowaaeea, 08370. .WALTER MILLLR 11ft 750 i;m::i . .Creston M0. .X.. 743 6S217... Raleigh 100.. X., 7 10 0840ft., .Turns way 105 720 Light, ch. f. by St. Carle Las 105 Fourth Rac ! — 1 Mile, .t year olds and upward. Handicap. 88373* . . I.ogistilla 5. .11S. . y . .750 ftS4.:i... Lisan, 4..114..X . 715 68374*... Princess Titanis !».. »5..©..7io 88400*... Bar Rogers 4. .100.. v . .7:5 68313*... Belroir 4.. 80. .X-.730 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 8 year ..Ids and upward. Selling. lftV.55i. . . D lind.i 0.. 07. .X. 725 08:t02 . . .Tarp 4. . or,. . ■ . .720 fts4s., .Fisher Boy 5.. 105 715 I 88373 I.duardo 5. . 102. . X . . 715 68433*... Nothing I.. 88 7P ft7o:;ft.. .Happy Bice 3.. 04. .y.. 705 08410 Vdlrondack 7. .102 7 Nt 87031. ...Bra Pyro 8..MS1. imo Sixth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. :: .-ar olds and upward. Allowances. 88434..,. Banfars 4.. 80 130 68434*... Lntre Nous 5. . lol . . ■ . .745 68372*. ..St. Francis 4..M8.. X ,-740 68088. . . . I lei -a in 6. .Ml.. . .703 67332 Fred llhrig 4..M0 7 n» 61800 Budget 8.. Ml Too 87003.... Spinosa 4.. !»S ft.tO