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TALE OF A WINNING HUNCH. In one of tiie downtown edace buildings where brokers who like to bet on the races congregate a colored man had a 1 ch on Clorilier lor the Metropolitan Handicap which resulted in the loss ol ft 1HH to a poolroom near by. The colored man had a newspaper with the "dope," and showed the words "OiatMer, •". lit MeOonaick, black belt." "There it is. bos," he said to a broker. The .", stands tor the tilth month, the 9 is for the ninth day of the monih. and the 11 is lucky. There are nine biters in iloritier." in McCormiek and "black belt. so how can j on licat bimV limine ,"i0 cents and Ill play him." The broker handed over the change and then told his trie ae da of the huueh. A puis,, ol Slo* «as made up auteaJy and 25 to 1 was obtained in a poobotaa not many miles away. If the colored ma:i comes around again with any huieie-s ii la Sate to say ilia t lie can name his own let ana. New York Sun.