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1 i FIVE IN A ROW FOR JOHNNIE BLAKE. La Pucelle Makes Scarfell Stretch Himself— Three Finish Noses Apart. Hamilton. Ont.. June 12.— There was some rattling need sport here today. In three of the races the finishes were most exciting, and to add to the pleasure of this, four favorites won. Oue of these. however brought the public little profit. Johnnie Blake wa.s so near a certainty that he was opened at 1 to 0. There was nothing coming at Ihis price and some of the books took a feeler at satisfied quickly, for a few 1 to o. They were of the smart set fancied the chauce to pick up * i he days expenses and Cooks colt went to the post at 1 to 7. It was simply a canter for him. He could have won the raee by a dozen or more lengths bad Nieol been of a mind to let him out. This marked his fifth successive win out of six : the best two-year-old 1 starts. He is unquestionably tlrat has been shown in Canada this year. The feature race was the handicap coming third 1 on the card, but the withdrawal of Charlie Fast man caused interest to wane until Scarfell, La i Pucelle and Temmeraire got to running. The people who had backed Scarfell liberally had their I hearts in their mouths when La Pucelle came with 1 a rush through the stretch. She was gaining on the Mosby horse at every stride, and he was cut 1 to the last ounce to stall her off and beat her r by a neck. Had the race been ten yards further the mare would have won. The most exciting race of the day was the fifth. Dutch Tete, Blacklock and Alvise finished noses apart. Dutch Pete was practically left at the pott and wtis compelled to take the overland route. He gradually wore down the leaders, Alvise and Blacklock, ami at the end the trio went under the iriN on what seemed even terms, the judges being only in a | osition to separate them. Bon Mot in the last race delayed the start for ten mitntes, and as the barrier went np bolted into the fence and was left. Harmakis after repeated efforts lXnally made good and in a driving finish took the .race from Matabon, Little Boot, with 100 to 1 agaiiret his chances, finishing thlid.