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LATONIA ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or deduct 5 points to the pound. An extra good rideis average worth is 3 pounds. Probabilltlea: Weather clear; track hearty. Baring starts at 1:30 p. m. Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2 year olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weighls. Ind. Horses. A. i. ildep. •-"" Balla no.. .72.-, usa ...Mammy Dink 110. .X.. 710 i sia;. . . .Eady Flora 110. . y . .7»Hi «»m....Tia Me 111!., v.. ,•,.,.", I..ilo::. Lady Vie no., x . .000 00280. . . .Thebaia im. . . , . 1s -, 00280. ...Gracious Dame llo .■ ,«83 00197. . . .Edna M otter no. . x .080 89132 Black Dress no . . .c,?;, KM 13. Merrlgo no ceo B886G....Nettie 7. llo ,,., . 00113.... Mai lout ia no ooo Shawl, li. r, i.y Moat dOr liallaniantle 1 In Snake Mar... b. 1. I.y Sorcer er M Innle Alpbonse 1 lo Moscow i:. lie. b. r. bj Jack Point Qaei n Ethel llo Clear Bun. eh. r. i.y Bendoran Clearing nil Second Race — 3-4 Mile. t-yeat olds and upward. Selling. i;:i2"..".i . . .Boserrian 3. .103. .©. .72.". 0031O... Monere ::.. 02. .$..720 ISORtti .Lady Carol 4. .103. ,B . .720 00080 Harold D 3. .100. . v . .7ir. Q»08 Potter 0..U0..$. ,705 iK»22".o .. .Lieutenant Bice 5. .103..© .v, 0386S . . .Dr. Turner 4. 100.. X.. 005 i.s IM . . . i.a.a.he 7.. 80.. X. .080 0R04O Katherine Moore 4. .101. . X ..630 «;s.i: .: . . ,ioin Morgan :;. . 93.. X.. 050 84420 karil Chorus :;.. BS ooo Third Race— 1 Mile, .".year olds and upward. Selling. 09322 Docile ;. .km;. . X..725 Hint;.". ... Leo- Bright 1.107. . .720 00193. . . .Monochord 0. .101.. X. .718 hi:;.. 1. .Prince of Pleas 4..102.. x . .710 li:i:22 Tillered 7. .111 . . © . .700 0»10 .-. . . Bernie Cramer 5. .108.. X.. 700 UUOOT Gold Spray 4.. 07 kilt i;:i::2:: Moccasin Maid 4..102.. ..lis:, 67354*... Little Flkiu 0.. 108..®.. 070 00201 Incubator 7. .111. . x . .005 8MB! Filler 5. .108. . X . .000 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. B-rear-oMs and upward. Selling. 69290.... Caroline W 4 . . us. .© . .72.-. ...Judex 6. .102.. ..720 tci.:.".;-. . . Mint Boy 4. . 93. .X. .715 09201.... Precious Stone 8. .102.. ;..7Ki i.!i2.i:; Princess Oma 5.. 109. .X.. 710 - : f-i 1 ■ ..Floss s I.. 98.. ©..710 09261 3... Spendthrift Helen 4.. 88.. X.. 705 65401 . .I...- Shields 4. .103.. ..70." 09322s... Optional 8. .100.. • . 703 09290 Dr. McCarty 4. .10::.. ..7©o U020I. .. .Fast FUght 4.. MO.. X.. 680 90290 .Berry man ::.. 89.. X.. 673 i;:i::i:i. ... Young Stevens : : . .101 . . ,.030 69193 Cygnet 7. .MO.. . .050 64884.... Lem Jones 5. .1112 uoo Fifth Race— 5-8 Mile. 2 -year-olds. Allowances. 69224. . .Dun vegan 107. . . .72.". 69197.... Evelya S lot.. ..720 69259.... Waldorf Belle 96.. ..713 6931.8 McA tee :i!i 7 Hi 67694 Cberldab lis 7m 003201 ..Backet Brigade 111.. ©..700 18*292 . . .Hollow Ill . . x . .083 B011S L. C. Widrig tt.l 825 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 3 ear olds and upward. Selling. 69I9X... BENDIGO ."...Ill .-..72. 69354-. . .Matador 5. .114..©. .710 69108 ...Scalplock L.104..X..705 0032::. ..Connty Clerk :;.. 85.. ..TOO 69290 Knigbt of Ivanhoe :;.. :is.. ..700 ■Kills ...Foasolnca 8. .108.. ©..TOO 692571 ... Roger S ::. . 92.. ..690 iai.".2.:J . . .Quagga ::. !i2. . ..085 69168 Mr. Fa mum. 7..18B. .©. .073 ;.■:..". I ... Klein wood 6..111. .©. .075 80351... Ke.hoat 4..107..X. .OoTj