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PADDOCK SALE. AT BUFFALO. -i e Buffalo. N. Y,, July 17. At a sale of horses In the paddock before racing began, the following were disposed of: Moonvine, eh. g, C, by Ornament Nervine; .L 1 Raker . . . $ 55 Ttidop. I, c, 3, by Athcling KIsbcrn; A. G. Weston 170 Truro, eh. g, 2, by Athcling Princess Blan- dina: R. .T. Waldon.., 225 Velos, eh. c, 2, by Rassetlaw Nell Preston; I. Nugent ..... 110 Patrician, br. . c, 2, by Filigrane Hanover Queen; J. .7. Farrell. .. ... .:... 150 AmplCi eh. f, 2, by Compute Abaca; .1. Johnson 100 Jericho, cii. g, li, by George Kessler Humid; A. S. Valentine ...... 125 Inauguration, ch. f. 2, by Peep oDay Agno- dlce; W. II. Mosby 300 Mamaroneck; eh. e, 2. by Prince of Melbourne Miranda; II Mosby 100 Brushiiiim. b. e, 3, by Ren Rrush Handmaid; Wi ll. Mosby 50 William Peim, cii. e. 2, by Tammany Jess Banegeld; J. Ilealy 150