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GOOD CARD FOR MONTREAL OPENING. No Scarcity of Horses and Jockeys Local Interest Rife Condon a Visitor. Montreal, Que., August "0. The opening of the Montreal Jockey Clubs first fall meeting at Blue Uonnets tomorrow is awaited witli even more eagerness locally than was the inaugural meeting In the spring, and the prospects for a highly successful thirteen days of racing are particularly liright. The meeting has been well advertised sind Montreal business men are taking a healthy Interest in the forthcoming sport. It was a hit cloudy today, but the Indications for tomorrow are for clear weather and a fast track. The opening day card is well balanced and should produce good racing. Many improvements have been made at the course since last spring. There are now about "00 ihorses on the ground with as many more to arrive from Saratoga, Empire City and Fort Erie tracks "within the nest two or three days. Blue Bonnets wis a busy place this morning with the housing if new arrivals and the exercising of horses that ore to race tomorrow. Most of the stables that came here brought on their own riders, so the meeting will not be short of good boys. Among the jockeys here are C. Koemer, I.iebert, McDaniel, Nicol, Digging, D. Brazil, Goldstein, Lycurgus, C. II. Shilling, James Hogg, Joseph Hogg, J. Foley, .McCarthy, 1. Roland, Falrweather, J. Lee, Musgrave, Dudley, Delaby, "Ji. Smith and Dennison. John Condon was a visitor at Blue Bonnets this afternoon. lie was accompanied by his son, who gave the blind turfman a good idea of what the plant looks like. Mr. Condon is visiting Montreal with his family and will be the guest of the club at the opening.