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CONDENSED HISTORY OF. THE ORIENTAL HANDICAP. fll 0liental ,wa? won by n"-ver Bros. Ferona, by Glenelg. She was at 30 to 1 In the betting i ami and n Mike Dwyer felt inclined to back her, l.ut was scared off by the price. He was an inveterate backer VI Vrf .xri"V!il llorscK all1 t-ould not be induced to back one at a long price, even bis own. So be contented himself with backing Aretino for a few thousands, only to see bis own iillv win bv a bead in a .esperate finish with Aretino and Elgin. Tbe Oriental has always produced a good race and has. in its m,i" iHi". "i y, IV!1 "-""i1".11 ,racers as Kl,r,,s KSst". lamplighter, Kamapo, Clifford. Algol, Imp, n,V... V 1 -l,Io"el 15,11 aI"" Iiuty. Last year Oxford unexpectedly defeated Kunning Water and both maj start again tomorrow. Tbe record of tbe Oriental is: icci.V Klrst-,oiAge- Jockeys. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt. Val. Time. lit- p?,na AV .Kafferty..l00 Aretino 0 114 Elgin 4 110 $ 1,400 1:5S Jti iVT 4 ;,V Hayward-.ioo Exile B 118 Richmond 5 .112 3,700 2:09 ifln PlnlK?" if Hamilton.. 112 Queen Elizabeth 1... lis Los Angeles 3114 3,430 2:12 JfSO Kingston 4 I. Murphy. .127 Los Angeles 4 IK! Badge 4 .....114 5,425 2:12 llm v,,ri,Si,T v-V.V"VIIamiIt.on"117 4 108 Castaway 11.1115 5,000 2:13 JfR.1, hnKtfh LaA,y " I-amIey..HK Kaceland 0 120 Demuth 4 ...115 5 025 2:08 Jacto us 3 Thorpe.. 100 Fidelio 3 sir, Lamplighter 3117 4 025 2:11 f Lamplighter 4 .Taral.,127 Banquet 0 118 Sir Walter 3 lloo 3 300 2:08 icni J,,1!?"1? HI Grlfhn..l22 Bassotlawl 10S Hornpipe 3... 90 2.010 2:12 iinr . r? VV vinims..l21 Sir Excess 4 107 H.of Navarre412S 2,350 2:07 c, 1S90 Dutch Skater 5 OLeary.. 95 Belniar 4 95 Kamiro 3 .... 97 2 350 :10 Jfni VilVC M U. Williams. .113 Ben Brush 4 127 Maurice 5 ...99 ,17M :0S Algol -1 T. Bums.. 120 Dr. Cat left 4 Ill Whist. Con 3. 100 1,700 2:07 1899 Imp 5 p. ciay..l2S Charentus 5 H0 1 700 "-07a Jom n?r?,tnS, """is. .10.:: Gonfalon 3 100 Jack Point 4. 110 1T00 2:07?. loo ?l 1C?AS". t- Woods.. Ill Blues 3 11! Terminus G i 1.107 1 750 2:05 1902 Colonel Bill .! Odom..l20 Icniter 3 113 Herbert 5.. 122 1900 "-00 J2o1 hYr!PS I;"001 W-1- ONeill.. 104 Kiver Pirale 3 95 Hun. Raine 4100 L030 2:0G? 1??ir;1-v I4 W. Davis. .114 Lord of the Vale 4 ..115 Proper 4 ....109 2 770 2:00i J2and V", " ..Uvne..l09 Buttling 31 lot Coy Maid 3 .. 95 2.940 2:00 lOOt. n Oxford 4 . . .Horner. .10.-5 Running Water 3 120 Good Luck 3 . .113 3,190 2:05 c Previous distance 1 1-S miles.