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JOCKEY CORMACK BUYS A FARM. The Woodstock, Canada, Sentinel-Review, says that jockey Cormack, who is now in France riding exclusively for his employer, M. Picaud, will shortly sail for home. Cormack Is a native of Woodstock and has purchased alarge farm west of that city, which he has named "North-cote," and will start a stock farm. He was second in the list of winning jockeys In France, says that paper, until a few weeks ago, when he decided to refuse any more outside mounts, confining his riding to the stable of his employer. He has been asked to sign a contract for next year at a big salary, but will not decide one way or the other until after his return home. He is quite elated over securing "Northcote," and may feel, like giving its management personal attention next year.