Full Details of Big Auction, Daily Racing Form, 1908-11-25


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FUEL DETAILS OF BIG AUCTION. I Tlio coinplole record of prices brought 011 the first d.iy of the FasiK-TipUm sale at Lexington is as follows: Property of. Captain Harry Brown. Senorita Stud Aseot Belle, oh. m. . by Esher Amy Davennort: II. IV Duryea. Nov; York $ ."00 Bay colt, weanliuy. liy ltroomstick Ascot Belle; S. C. L;.v.i., Lexington. Kv 100 Autlienee. eh. nu 7. liy Sir Dixoii Sallio .McClelland: Thomas V. Kellv .".KM Bay lilly. weanling, liy Broomstick Audience; II. V. AVhitney, Mew York 775 Bstceni. oh. m. ;. liy CliHdwiek llestia: St. James StaMe 2.10 Chestnut lilly. weanling, by Broomstick Esteem; S. O. Lyne 200 Kthel Lee. b. m. 11. by AVhistle Jacket .Marmoia; Colonel H. I Clay. Iaiis. Kv. r.OO Flocarline. oh. in, S, by St. Fhuian Car-line: Tliomas V. Kelly :!.1K Bay lilly. weanling, bv ltroomstick Flocarline; C. L. Harrison. New York 1,2.10 Lollie Ilustin. b. m. BJ. by Bishop Dublin Belle; .T. II. Patterson. Lexington. Kv... T.0 rrroniiance. b. in. 1 1. bv Troubadour .Matinee; William Lakeland. New York.. "00 Bay colt, weanling, by Carry Hermann Performance; K. B. Bi-adlcv. Chicago 175 Bavello II.. ch. m, lii. bv Sir Hugo Inco Cuid; II. B. Duryea 1.000 Bay colt, wesuiling. by Carry Hermann Kavello II.; .1. L. .McCinnis. New York 2.10 Betaincd. br. m. 10. bv His Highness Ie Biniini: St. .lames Stable 200 Bay lilly, weanling, liy Carry Hermann Retained: St. .lames Stable f0 Run of Luck. b. or br. m. S. by Wagner Fair Kortnue; .L L. McCiunis 000 Chestnut oil, weanling, bv Broomstick Run of Luck; .1. L. McCiunis 1.2."0 Salama. b. m. S. by 1 limyar Soubretto II.: Ceorgo E. Calvin. Lynchburg. Va 225 Bay colt, weanling, bv Carry Hermann Salama: J. T. Williams. Spring Station. I Ky 175 Senorita. b. m. 22. by Prince Charlie Gondola; not olTereil Brown colt, wosuiliug. bv tarry Hermann Senorita; St. James Stable 250 Tactful, b. or br. m. S. by Mirthful Partridge: Catesby Woodford. Paris. Kv 100 Bay colt, wmiling. by Carry Hermann Tactful: J. T. Williams 200 Thirty Third, br. in. 0. by Sir Dixon High Degree: Woodford Clay 350 Verona, b. in. 14. by Spendthrift Varina: T. IL Patterson 100 Wayward Lass. b. in. 0. by Sir Dixon Lady Wayward; E. R. Bradley . S00 Chestnut lilly. weanling, by Carry Hermann Wayward Lass; J. W. !May 100 Broomstick, ib. b, 7, by Ben Brush Elf:. II. P. Whitney 7.250 Carry Hermann, br. b. 10. by Eshcr Silk Cown: Peter Clinch. St. Johns. Now Bnmswiek i r.00 Luckyplece. b. m, 1. by Siindringham Poel;- etpiece: Kinzea Stone-. Ceorgelown. Ky.., 150 Property of Iroquois Stud, Lexington, Ky. Bav gelding. 1. by Carry Hermann Verona; S. A. UoeklKim. Greenville. Texas 100 Property of Millslream Stud. Lexington, Ky. I Alabana, blk. m, Ifi. by Illmysir Baudala: Kinzea Stone 175 Lady Albercraft. b. m. S. by Albert Lady Craft: Peter Clinch .1 125 Twitter, ch. ni. IS. b3" Rayon dOr Twilight: S.-A. Beckham 75 Wild Thvnie. b; m, S. by Ben Brush t Rose; S. C. Lyne "50 Ceranimn. br. in, 7. by Lazzarone Gail-lard III.; .T. H. Patterson., 100 Pensa, br. in, .14. by Sir Iodred Pansy:. W. .T. Crist 100 Nadavis. b. or Ixr. in. 10, by Hindoo Cal-phurnia; S. C. Lyne 150 Purity, b. ni. 1.!. by Deceiver Rocky Sharp: J. B. Bespess, Cincinnati. 0 200 Ballet Queen, ch. tn. 15, liy Jlaeiroon Abundance: F. A. Clark. New York f 00 Clementina, b. in. 17. by Rayon dOr Clemency; St. James Stable 75 Erminie, br. in, 5. by St. George iMarie-Janseu: Potor Clincli 150 Chestnut colt, weanling, by Handspring Agnodice: S. C. Lyne 75 Chestnut lilly. weanling, by DiBguist Duenna C. Lyne 100 Bay or brown colt, weanling, by Handspring: Pond Lily; St. James Stable 100 Chestnut, eolt. weauling. by Handspring ? Geranium: S. C. Lyne i; 50 Property of F. It. Hitchcock. New York 7 Femesole. 1. in, 0. br Sir Dixon Cherry Blossom; B. E. Allen. Lexington, Ky X 103 Wish. b. in, 5. by Order Wyota; St. James Stable 125 Bay lilly. weanling, by Plaudit Halo; J. W. May 150 Property of Colonel E. F. Clay. Runnymede Stud; Paris. Ky. Little Mary, ch. m, 12, by Candlemas Jaconet: O. F. Trontinan, Lexington. Ky. 125 Chestnut colt, weanling, bv Bridgewater Little Mary; Don MePhail. Saratoga. Wy 50 Dordica. blk. in. S, bv Hindoo Francesca; Peter Clinch 150 Rosebay. b. in, 10. by Hindoo Rosevllle; Kinzea Stone 225 Bay colt, weanling, by Bridgewater Rose-bay: St. James Stable 100 Ravenna, b. in. B!. I3" Sir Dixon Rena Orr: Don MePhail 40 Bay colt, weanling, by Bridgewater Ra venna; Watson Bros.. Columbia. Tumi.... 25 Cold Wave. b. m, 8, by iliniUxi Corinne; Kinzea Stone 140 Chapter, b. m, 11. by Carlsbad Logie; J. 11. Patterson 100 Something Doing, oh. f, by Sir Dixon Much Ado; S. C. Lyne 105 Bay colt, weanling, by Bridgewater Hindoo Rose; .1. W. May 125 Bay lilly. weanling, by Bridgewater Cherry Bounce: Don -MePhail 55 Bay or brown colt, weanling, bv Knight Errant The Ghost: St. James Slable 50 Bay colt, weanling, by Rridgewaler .Miss Mary: .T. B. Riley. Lexington. Ky "0 Properly of C. D. Clay. Lexington. Ky. Bay lilly. weanling, by Garry Hermann Avon II.: not offered Properly of Kingston Stud. Lexington. Ky. Belle Hoyt. b. in. 15, by Longfellow Belle Knight: F. A. Clark AO Property of Messrs. E. L. Davis and AV. L. Powers Czarapbine, ch. in. 1. by Rubicon Sera- phin: F. A. Clark 300 Quelle, i. in, 5. by St. Jude Stanhope Gate: W. J. Crist 110 Variant, b. or br. in. 4. by Disguise II. Ben-My-Chreo; Kinzea Stone 400 Property of jressrs. L. S. and W. S Hunter. Versailles. Ky. Lilliputian, ch. m, 15, by Hanover Queen of Hearts; St. James Stable 125 Bav fillv. weanling, bv Shorthose Lilliputian: St. James Stable 40 Propertv of Catesby Woodford. Raeoland Stud. Paris. Ky. Bav fillv. " 1. by Orlando Marina: Don MePhail SO Property of Messrs. Woodford and Aste Winifred A., b. m. 5. by Sir Dixon Blue :Mass; Peter Clinch 300 Andria. b. m, 5, by Canopus Andrisa; Don MePhail 115 Property of Jfrs. L. W. Pinkerton Star Kinnev. b. f. 1. by Star Shoot Vic Kinney: G. D. Wilson. Lexington. Ky 250 Property of II. M. Ziegler. Cincinnati. O. Semitic, oh. ni. 7, by Henry of Navarre Seiniramis; St. Jeimes Stable 210 Rossa. b. m, 0, by Rousseau Versa: S. A. Beckham 150 Bay or In-own filly. 1. by Star Ruby Bermuda Lily: Don MePhail 110 Bav or brown colt. 1, by Ingoldsby Rossa; J. II. Patterson S5 Property of G. M. L. La Branche Black Beard, b. f. 2. by Barberousse Bastile; S. C. Lyne 225 Bay lilly. 1. by Cameron Honey Sweet: J. H. Patterson 175 Property of J. N. Marker. Lexington. Ky. . Abundant, b. in, 1.". by Galore Abaca: J. II. Patterson SO Gray colt, weanling, by Faraday Abundant: S. C. Lyne 120 Brown Bcautv. br. ni, 10, by Reform or Dalnaeardncli Luxury; J. II. Patterson.. 25 Bay lilly. weanling, by Meltonian Brown Beauty: J. AV. May 50 Leetta. ch. in. 17. by Tureo Almy: AA L. Banks. Memphis, Tenn SO Bay colt, weanling, by Blues Leetta; St. James Stable CO Lindemere. ch. ni. 11, by Linden Zara; Peter Clinch 05 Mvosotis. cli. to. 12, by Fonso Red Leaves: J. H. Patterson 05 Chestnut filly, weanling, bv Ilernience Mvosotis; W. J. Crist 55 Susie Bush. b. in, 15, by Ououdaga Flying Witch: St. James Stable 100 Brown colt, weanling, by Gallantry Susie-Bush: F. G. Sparks, Lexington. Ky 10 Property of Mrs. Janle M. Farrell. Lexington. Ky. Hazel AV.. b. m. 1 1, by The Sailor Prince Calypso: not offered Bay filly, weanling, by Griffon Hazel AV. : not offered Property of M. D. Richardson, Lexington, Ky. Bessie It., gr. in, 7, by Faraday Mara- diiita: AV. J. Crist 100 Black lilly. weanling, by Orison Bessie It.; AV. L. Banks 55 Natasha, br. f. 4. bv St. Maxim Belle of the Day: not offered Property of J. L. Tarlton Little Aag. br. m. 10. by Vagabond Lvdla Belle; B. L. Baker 40 Ailma. blk. m, !. by Halma Little Arag: Don MePhail S5 Bay lilly, weanling, liy Jean. Bercaud Vil- ma: Don MePhail 45 Total 05 head $:u:.9l Average $:;57.50

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908112501/drf1908112501_4_2
Local Identifier: drf1908112501_4_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800