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ACTION OF CONTROLLING TEXAS BODY. Beaumont, Tex., December 4. At the second meeting of the Texas Thoroughbred Racing Association, held Thursday at the Crosby House, routine business of the association was gone into, and jockey Willie Con ley, who was ruled off the turf at Dallas in 1907. was reinstated, as was the owner, W. C. Douglas, of Oakland. Cal. The matter of offering prizes for the best jockeys was taken up and considered and seemed to meet with approval by every member of the directory, but the definito plans for such prizes went over to "he meeting of.tjie Thoroughbred Association to be delcl at Dallas in January next. The question of futurity stakes was also considered at the meeting, and it was decided to have the. futurity stakes In 1911 the same as 1909. which will be similar to the stakes at Dallas and San Antonio, the richest on the circuit, with an aggre-:ate value of ,000. The matter of including Oklahoma City and" Sbrcveport in the racing circuit for next season was ?onsidcred, but action was deferred, to be submitted at the directors meeting next January. The Thoroughbred Association committed themselves to favoring short meetings with cities in the circuit capable of furnishing attendance large enough for six to twelve days race meetings. The association favors commercial racing, backed by Texas men, and does not want foreign capital backing racing in this state. They want racing run on the same basis as any other business, with in allowance of fair profit to the stockholder on his investment. After the meeting the directors inspected the White City track and buildings and expressed their pleasure at the well-kept park and the manner in which the Beaumont Racing Association conducted the racing. Several of the directors were heard to remark that, if the association should be conducted is smoothly and as successfully as the Beaumont race meeting, they would be well satisfied, and the success of the association would be assured.