Gossip Of The Kentucky Region., Daily Racing Form, 1909-04-11


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GOSSIP OF THE KENTUCKY REGION. I i ilaataa Ky.. April 10. — William Shelley, of Louisville, who was chosen by the directors ■ | tin Keutncky Association for the office of racing se. re lory tor the spring meeting, arrived in l.eiugtou Monday and has put in a busy week at the old track. Shelley is well known here and is papular. •| had heard that there was an unusually large peieeiitagc of really good two year olds and three veai-olds here." said Secretary Shelley yesterday, "hut I did not expect to find as many as there are. I visiied barn after barn 1 was mure and more liopretised with the general good health and condition of He- horses here." Among those who have made applications far -ildc room are W. F. Schulte. l horses; I.on John son. for I.ouis A. Cella. 1 : William Stenvc. ::: John Marklein. C: Robert Tucker. ::; V. M. Civill. .".: John S. Ward. •!. There will be others now quartered :1t Louisville and Latoala, A few may come up from the south and some of the horses coming easi fiom Califoinia nay drop in here Siiiit-rinli ndeiil .lames Ifoss lias the track in the best I •• •--! I.I.- condition. He spends a portion of each afternoon schooling two vear olds at the barrier .nid the probabilities are that the starter .lake Uoltmau iu all probability — will have an orderly lot of youngsters to deal with when racing time COUCS. The in. st recent arrivals al the track are six horses belonging to Talbot Bro-.. of Paris. Here tofore Hart Talbot has traveled each season with the horses in the capacity of trainer. This rear the brothers decided to turn out all of their two-vear-olds and nlace their six older horses, two in the hands of each of three trainers. Howard Oots has Fstraclia and McCarney: S. K. Hughes will train Aquia and Kilvany. and J. P. Ross will have Tannic and Stafford. Luther Diikerson. who has been at Santa Anita Paik all winter training the youngter division of lhil T. Chinns stable, arrived home a day or two ago and will rest up until the Canadian season opens. Hi says the Chinn stable will he shipped direct from Los Angeles to Toronto and will raee in Canada all summer. Chinn will come to Kentucky himself for a visit to the farm near Harrodshurg before the Toronto meeting opens. A mate that is coming from California to fo into the stud at Charles W. Moores Mere Hill Farm, is the speedy Sanfara. six years old. by Ingohlsby. out of Sankara. Mr. Moore bred this mare and when he heard that she had been bought out of the R.. F. Carman sale by Joe James and that she had broken down so that she would require a long let-up in training, he wrote to James asking a price on her for the stud. The purchase was mi "e by wire a lay or two ago and Sanfara will be .red to McGee when she arrives. Kdward Corrigan has booked California, the dam of Anne McOee. to McOee. Sanfoid Lvne has received a cablegram from his son. l.ucien. the lockey. who is now riding in Bel gium. requesting that a certificate of his birth be torwarded at once to him at Brussels. l.ucien was born at the Lyne farm iu Jessamine County in 1sS4. but at that time there was no law in Kentucky requiring the registration of births at the county seats, so there is no courthouse record of the event. Mr. and Mrs. Lyne. however, went before a notary pub Hi. and made alndavii that l.ucien is their sou and gave the date and pla e of his birth.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909041101/drf1909041101_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1909041101_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800