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LATONIA JOCKEY CLUB | stakes"! I Tuesday, April 20, 1909 j THE CLIPSETTA STAKES. -For tillies two years old. to accompany tlio iioiiiination: 5 additional to start; Sl.JT.O added. of whkfe SfJint to the second and 0 to the third. Winners of a sweepstakes of the value of .50 to curry : His.; of two of any value, t lbs.: of three or more of any value. 7 lbs. extra. Non winners of a sweepstakes allowed :$ lbs.: and if suoh have not won three races. S lbs.: two net*, 8 lbs.; maidens that have not been placed in a sweepstakes, 12 lbs. Five Furlongs. THE HAROLD STAKES. -For colts two years old. .*.". to accompany the nomination: 5 additional to start: .2.i0 ■Me*, of which MM to the second anil 00 to the third. Winners or a sweepstakes of the a alee of .12." to carry :j lbs.: of two of any value. 5 lbs.: of three or more of any value. 7 lbs. extra. Nan winners of a sweepstakes allowed 3 lbs.: and if such have not won three races. H lbs.: two races, n ibs. ; uiuidens that have not been placed in a sweepstakes. IS lbs. Five Furlongs. THE CINCINNATI TROPHY.— A sweepstakes for colls and tillies two years old. 0 to accompany the nomination: additional to start: MMt added, of which MM to the second and UN to the third. Winners of a sweepstakes of the value of ..VK to carry ." lbs.: of two of any value. ■ lbs. extra. Nori-. inners of a sweepstakes allowed 4 lbs. and if such have not won three races. 7 lbs.: maidens, if never lined in a sweepstakes, 10 lbs. In addition to the tirst money and stakes, the winner will receive The Cincinnati Trophy Cup. Five and a Half Furlongs. THE MERCHANTS STAKES.— A selling sweepstakes for three year-olds and upward. $." to nccom-paay the nomination: ." additional to start: ,000 added, of which 50 to the second and 0 to the third. The winner to be sold at auction. Those entered at S:;.000 to carry weight for age: for ,000 allowed 5 ll,s.: then 1 lb. for each 00 to tiMl: then 2 lbs. for each 100 to 1909.sh00. Starters with selling price to be named through entry 1m x the day before race at usual time of closing. One Mile. THE BREWERS" EXCHANGE HANDICAP. For three-year olds and upward. to accompany the domination: 5 additional to start: SI. 250 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights to appear three day.- prior to race. Winners of other than a selling purse after announcement of weights to carry 5 lbs. additional. Six Furlongs. THE CINCINNATI HOTEL SPRING HANDICAP. For three -year-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination: 5 additional to start: ,250 added, of which 00 to the second and O0 to the third, heights to appear three days prior to that set for the race. Winners of other than a selling purse after :.iii ouiiecmciii of weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and an Eighth. THE DECORATION HANDICAP.- For three-year olds and upward. to accompany the nomination: 5 additional to start: ,500 added, of which $:MH» to the second and 00 to the third. Weights to appear luce days prior to running of race, after the last race of the day. Winners of other than a sellint. pane alter the publication of weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and a Sixteenth. LATONIA DERBY. -For three-year olds foals of IMS: 5 to accompany the nomination: 0 addi-tionii if no declared out on or before .May 15th: 00 additional to start: ,500 added, of which $::00 to the second and 00 to the third. Winners of a sweepstakes in ISM of the value of ,500. 3 lbs.: of two sach, or one of ,000. 5 lbs. extra. Non winners of a sweepstakes in MM allowed 5 lbs.: and if not placed in a sweepstakes. S lbs. Maidens, if never placed in a sweepstakes. 12 Ibs. One Mile and a Half. LATONIA OAKS.— For fillies three years old foals of MM: 0 to accompany the nomination: 0 additional if not declared out on or liefore May 15th: S10O additional to start: ,500 added, of which $:;iH to the second and 00 to the third. Winners of a sweepstakes in MM of the value of ,000 and winners of two sweepstakes in that year of any value to carry 5 lbs. extra. Those not having won a sweepstakes in UN allowed 5 lbs., and if not elaced in a sweepstakes. S lbs. One Mile and a Quarter. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO JOHN B. DILLON SECRETARY COVINGTON : KENTUCKY THE ONTARIO JOCKEY CLUB LIMITED Race Course: Woodbine Park, Toronto. Office: Imperial Bank Building, Toronto. 1909... SPRING MEETING ...1909 The Meeting Will Begin on Saturday, May 22nd, and Continue to Include Saturday, June 5th. . . THE FOLLOWING OPEN STAKES WILL CLOSE SATURDAY, APRIL 24TH : FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. TORONTO CUP. ,000 Added. I ■...■ three -vear-ohN and upward. A Swop-lakes of *::il each. 0 forfeit to the winner, with tS.OOO added, of which S7t»» to second horse anil $:M to third. Weight for age. . winner of ftl.MXl in 1908 or 1909 lo carry " lbs. extra: of two races of . KM . or one of fl.MO. 5 lbs. extra. "ou winner- of *5 m in 1908 or l!Mlfi allowed 7 lbs.; maidens, if three-year olds. 12 lbs.: foiir-yeai -old; nmt upward. 15 lbs. To lie run Saturday. May 2K One Mile and a Furlong. KING EDWARD HOTEL GOLD CUP. ,500 Added. A thallene tup. value .510. Kor three year-olds ami upward. A 2oU fui. presented hv the King Edward Hotel Co., Toronto, to which is added a Hweepstakes of *2" each, hall forfeit to the winner, with ,500 added, of which $: 0ti to second hone and sum to third. Three horses the property of different owners lo start, or the win of the Cup void for that year. The .up to be held by the Ontario .lockey Club or the King Edward Hotel until won. and to heeoane the absolute property ot anv owner winning same four times, or three yeara in saceesstom. Weight for age. A winner of ..~in in I.kis or Hunt to earrv •: lbs. i ttra; of two inch races, or one of ,500. r n,-. extra. No:; winners of ?5M| in l!M!.s allowed 7 lbs. .Maidens, if three-year-olds, allowed 19 lbs.: four year-olds and upward allowed U lb-. To be run Wednesday. June 2. One Mile and a Quarter. WATERLOO HANDICAP. ,200 Added. -For three year-olds and upward. A Sweepstakes of toi cio ■,!. half forfeit to the winner, villi ,200 added, of which to second hor-o and *Ht» to third. Weights announced Wednesday, .lime 2. Winners, alter publication of the .same, to carry 5 lbs. extra, T be ran Saturday. June 5. One Mile and a Furlong. MINT0 STAKES Selling. ,000 Added, -for three year olds and upward. A Sellint: Sweepstakes of f3U each, half forfeit to the winner, with ,009 added, of which MM to second horse and Slim to third. The winner to 1«- sold bjr auction for ,000; if entered to l o sold for less than S.;.imi*i. | lb. allowed for each KSV down to .61 b. and 1 lb. for each 09 to «». Helling price to be stated throagh the enlrv Imx at the course at I-* oclock noon on the day before the race, or to be said for ,900. To be run Saturdav. May 22. One Mile and a Sixteenth. PRINCE OF WALES HANDICAP. ,000 Added, far three ear olds ami upward. A Sweei stakes of 0 each, half forfeit to the winner, with Sl.tHHi added, ot which to second horse and 0 to third. Weights announced Monday, Maj 84, at 10 a. in. Winners after publication of the mast to earn 5 lbs. extra. To be run Tiie-day. Ma] and. Six Furlongs. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS. WOODSTOCK PLATE. ,000 Added. For three-year-«Hs. A Sweepstakes of 0 each, naif forfeit to the winner, with *:. iO0 added, of which 00 to second horse and SIM to third. A winner Of ,900 to rarry •; lbs.: of two races of ,500. in- one of ,500. to carrjr 5 lb-, extra. Nop winners of ,009 allowed B las.; of 00, lit lb-.: maidens. 15 lb-. To be ran Monday. May 24. One Mile and a Furlong. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. VICTORIA STAKES. ,200 Added. --For two-year ntds, A Sweepsiakes of S20 ea.h. half forfeit to the winner With ,200 added, of which *-t " to second horse SMS to third. A winner of ,000 lo earn 5 lbs. extra. Nan winners of O0 allowed 5 lbs.; maidens. 10 lbs. To be run Monday. Ma] St. Five Furlongs. TYRO STAKES Selling. ,000 Added. Pat two-year aids. A Hiring Sweep-takes of SM each, half forfeit to the winner with *l oo added, of which saoo to se.-oud horse and Sioo to third. The winner to !»• mid by auction for ,400. If entered to be sold far less than ,000. 1 lb. allowed for ea.h 09 down t., Z2 IMKl" aad 1 lb for each 011 to ,000. Selling price to be stated throagh the entry box at the roui-c at 12 oclock noon the day before the race, or to be sold for ,000 To be run Saturday. June 5 Five Furlongs. STEEPLECHASES. WOODBINE STEEPLECHASE. ,500 Added.— Kor four-year olds and ana aid. A Sweepstake- of S-Jo each, half forfeit to the winner, with ,500 added, of which MB0 to BeCond hor-e and 50 to third. Four rcar-oMs to earrv 140 lbs.: live w -u -old-. 154 lbs.: six -year- dds and upward. 161 lbs. A winner of a steeplechase in l!»os or IfMM of 00 to earn - lbs. extra: of two such, or one of 80, 6 lbs. extra. Non-wine as of a steeplechase allowed 10 lbs. Sex aBowaace as by rule, but no bane shall carry less than 133 lbs To be run Saturday. May 89. Three Miles. STREET RAILWAY STEEPLECHASE Handicap. ,200 Added.- For four year olds ,.im| upward. A S .■.•!, -takes of 0 each, half forfeit to the winner, with ,200 added, of which 00 to second horse aad Slio to third. Weights announced Wednesday, June -. at 5 p. ui. Winners alter publicalion of the same lo i any 5 lbs. extra. To be run Saturday, June 5. Two and a Halt Miles. N.B. — No purse less than 00 run for during the meeting. Entrance money in all races to the winner. There will be eleven steeplechases to which the Ontario Jockey Club will add the sum of ,000. to be run f oi during this meeting. Till: UIl.KS OF KACINC of The Canadian Ha. inu — ■• -iations govern all races inn under the au-pi.i - ot The nni.irio lackey club. W. P. FRASER Secretary HIGHLAND PARK CLUB GEORGE M. HEMDRIE . . President and Treasurer WALTER 0. PARMER Secretary 218 Hammond Building, Detroit Michigan stakes" WINDSOR ENTRIES CLOSE MAY 1, 1909 BaBBBBBaBBBaBahaBnaaaaaaanhBaaBBBBBBBan Summer and Fall Meetings, I909 Northern Racing Circuit Ontario Jockey Club, Toronto . . May 22 to Tune 5 Montreal Jockey Club June 5 to June 19 Hamilton Jockey Club June 22 to July 3 Fort Erie July 5 to July 28 Highland Park Club, Windsor . . July 31 to Aug. 21 Fort Eiie Aug. 26 to Sept. 4 Montreal Jockey Club Sept. 4 to Sept. 28 Ontario Jockey Club, Toronto . . Sept. 18 to Sept. 25 Hamilton Jockey Club Sept. 28 to Oct. 29 Highland Park Club, Windsor . . Oct. 12 to Oct. 23 TO BE RUN AT WINDSOR: frontier Handicap, ,000. FRONTIER HANDICAP. For three and upward. 5 to accompany the nominal i.. HO addiional lo start. Value MM*, of which ,4M to the winner. MM to aseanl and UN to third. eVelehl to appear three days prior to the race: acceptances through entry box at usual tini.- sf dasJaW of rntrhp day before race; winners after publication of weights, :: lbs. extra. One and One-Eighth Miles. Ontario Handicap, ,200. ONTARIO HANDICAP. -Tsr two year old tillies. .Sin to accompany the nomination. $.Mt additional h Start. Value Sl.UtHi. of which *!M ti to the winner. *2 Hi to second and SMI to third. Wetahts to bo an pounced three da - prior to race: acceplanci- Caaaajrh entry sen ai usual time of clo-in- rati Its. Uimiii-after publication of weights to cany .. lb-, extra. Eive-Eifrhths Mile. Pontchartrain Selling Stake, ,200. PONTCHARTRAIN SELLING STAKE. V. ~ thre. year olds and upward. CM to aceompanv the noiui-tialion. to start. Value .-JMi. of wlii.h *«!M to the winni r. MM to second and «i to third. *:;.IU41 weight for ae: :: lbs. allowed for each MM le-s to J.IKh-: tluu 1 lb. for each s:SM less lo Jfi.Pit. Marten Wltfe •eOanx price to be named throin:li entry box day preceding race. Six Furlongs. Essex Handicap, ,500. ESSEX HANDICAP. For Ian j tat alas *M to a i Hainan j the n Inatlm additional to start. Value fl.MsX or whirb I.-jihi to the winner. SuiN t. second and |1M lo Ihird. Welnhta to ns a nseea three days prior ti race: accept. -luces through entry l»;x at usual time of closing entries. Winner- alter Iliblication of weights to carry :; Ibs. extra. Five-EiKhths Mile. Detroit Stake, ,200. DETROIT STAKE Selling!. - for two year olds. |M lo accoinpiny Hie noniinition. |M aaaMthHsal to -tart. Value |1JH, of wliicli MK» to the whaser, -SJihi to ieeaai and #1 H» lo third. fl.MC weight for apt: - lbs. alloucd lor each MM less lo .*o,iimi; the* I lb. allowed for each *|ll less to $." Mt. Winners of three slakes not lo be entered for le-s than M.M0. Starters with selling price to Ik- nann-d taraaah entry box day preceding the race. Five and One-Half Furlongs. Windsor Selling Stake, ,500. WINDSOR SELLING STAKE, lor three ear old- and upward. 1 to accompany the nomination. Mi additional to start. Value .s1..".im». ot which .Sl.LtKt to the winner. MM to second and *lK to third. .-..imhi wefcrht for acr; -• lbs. allowed for rack $." " to M.MB: then i lb. tor each to MM These ea-lc:ed not to be sold, if thnv year dds. to carry S lbs. extni: if four vear olds and iiiiward. :; lbs. extra. Starters wilii selling plice to be named taraaah entry box the day Bfeeeasasj the rase. One and One-Fourth Miles. D., B. I. and Windsor ferry Company Handicap, ,500. D.. B. I. and. WINDSOR FERRY CO. HANDICAP, lo,- three year olds and upward. |M to a..ompany the nominal ion. M* additional to start. Value Ifl.r.lMi. of which . 1.: imi to the winner. SL*K lo secouil Mild Mo . to ihini. VfesBhta to appear three days prior to the race: ai mamma thraaah entry box at usual time of closing of entries day before race. Winner- after publication of weights. ;; lbs. extra. One Mile. SPECIAL NOTICE ! No entry will be received for anv of these stakes except upon the following conditions : That all disputes, claims and objections arising out of the lacir.K. or with respect to the interpretation of the conditions of any stake, shall be decided by a majority of the executive committee present, or those whom thev may apnoint. and their decisions SHALL be FINAL. At the discretion of the executive committee, or of the Judge?, and without notice, the entries of any person, or the transfer of any entry, may be refused. NO PURSE LESS THAN 00 WALTER O. PARMER SECRETARY 218 Hammond Building :: :: Detroit, Michigan For Bonding of Horses for the Windsor Meeting ADDRESS IV. A. HANRAHAN WINDSOR, ONTARIO