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JOCKEY EDDIE DUG AN S CASE. New York. April 10. — Kddie Dngan said yesterdav Ural he will not return to England, but will re sumc riding in thb country when the Baltimore meeting liogins He says that he saw one weeks racing in Fngland. Of the ioekcys whom he saw he most admired Frank Wootlon. the Australian, who rides iu American style. Some iockeys of repute he did not admire breMBM of their st"!.». Contrary to general belief. Dugan holds a Joekev ClUh license, issued on January 14. but since thai date he twice was an IIP ended in California for rough riding. A Jockey Club steward said yesterday that there is 110 reason why Dugan should not ride In this country, despite the English Jockey Clubs denial 0! his lii-ense. Hie boy will, however, not be entitled to the 5,000 salary which he would have earned if he could have ridden in England. That contract was based upon the Bat of 1he jockey for English racing, where the stakes are ae valuable as to war r.iiit the high retaining fee.