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LAST DAY OF SANTA ANITA RACING. Huge Crowd Gathers to Bid Farewell to the Sport —Sad End of a Noted Turfman. Los Angeles. Cal.. April 17. — The popularity of southern California racing was attested today when a irowd conservatively estimated at 15.000 passed through the gates, witnessing one of the best cards of the meeting. The day was getaway day with twenty books drawing in. After the fifth race Mrs. J. K. Holland, wile of the president of Santa Anita Iark, presented jockev lloward. from the stops of the judges stand, a beautiful silver cup for having the best average of winning mounts for the final week of the meeting. Judge Hamilton will remain here three weeks be fore returning to his home in Mt. Sterling. Ky. Secretary K. C. Smith goes direct to Baltimore, where he will be associate judge in the stand at Iimlico. Judge f.eighton goes to Victoria, B. C, where be will have charge of the summer meeting. Manager Dr. Gardner will slay here long enough to close the business of the meeting and tlieu go to his home in Kansas City. The 122-days meeting was highly successful and the association has paid off the original money spent on the plant aud declared a dividend to the stockholders. O. W. Bishop Poole, known all over the Initcd States as one of the old guard of horsemen, committed suicide this morning in the feed room of his stable. He took carbolic acid and then cue open the arteries of lioth wrists. Poole was despondent of late and has liecn in bad luck, and this is the motive assigned for the act. He leaves a wife and family, who live at Great Bend. Kan. They have liecn notified. In the early days of Garfield Park. Chicago. Poole campaigned one of the largest stables there, owning horses of good class, such as Lorenzo. John Daly and Steve Jerome. His good long-distance mare. Florence 1.. was named for his daughter. Poole was well liked here and his sad endiug is a complete shock to horsemen. ieorge Rose will go to Santa Onz for a rest, but will lie on hand for the opening day at Bel niont Iark. Harry Lurie and Sain Shaen. who will h.oe charge of his liook. will go to Chicago in a few days en route to New York. Jiinniv Donotine left for Ms home in Chicago last night. He will book on the eastern circuits this year. The card was splendidly balanced throughout and a better days six rt was never seen here, in fact. the season closed under the most brilliant auspices. i