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PLEASED WITH NEW YORK OUTLOOK. Louisville. Ky.. April 20.— Matt J. Winn returned yesterday troiu New York and is enthusiastic over the prospects of racing over the New York tracks this season. lie found the turf situation ill New York in better condition than be had expected, in regard to the meeting at Empire City, of which he is manager, he said: "F.mpire City will start Wednesday. July 14. ending on Saturday. July 31. "The Empire stakes will he announced before long and they will tie in keeping with the offerings ol other metropolitan tracks. "Lvniau II. Ilavis. secretary and handicapper of the New Louisville Jockey Club, will officiate at Empire City as heretofore. After the Empire meeting ends he will accompany ate to Juarez. Mexico, where the erection of the Mexican Jockey Club plant will he begun In June. Bids on the steel work are now being received. "While in New York I nut J. G. Follaiishee. who is vice president of Hie Mexican Jockey Club and a director in the eastern Jockey Club, and be told BM thai the Mexican racing venture is lieing received everywhere ill the republic in a manner assuring its success." Colonel Winn, passing to the racing situation at home, said: "I met nianv New Yorkers who are interested in the Kentucky Herbv. which will be decided at Churchill Iiovvns on .May ... and many of them will come lo see it. Phil F. Dryer and a party will coiiie: m will Mr. Folbinsbce. and James Butler and several rriends will form another party. Mr. Ilwyer is now recuperating at French Lick and has not been in Louisville since he won the Derby many years ago."