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FLORIDA SPECIAL REACHES LEXINGTON. I/oxington. Ky.. April 20. — A special train of live ears bringing forty racers, twelve owners, ten trainers and seven ioekevs. arrived this afternoon Irom Jacksonville. Fla.. for the local meeting, whim opens next Saturday. The list is as follows: II. McCarren Helen Virginia. Select II.. Resebnrg II.. Wine Merchant. Camel. Left Over. Enlist. Ethel l.urg and Hoi niosabelle. Charles Noltc - Vari ilion. J. Bdwstrda— Reside and an unnamed t wo-vear-nhl by Si Shooter. M. Barton Alice. W. L. Hat. -holt — Oraaaoka. j. r. Strode— Whisk Broom.. 8am Claw St. Valentine. GalHIeo and George Bailer. D. Hammond -Dinah H. I". J. Pons- Ben Double. Flar- ney. 1 fcicbi. Catherine Cardwell and Roseboro. J. P. May berry -Robin Hood and Kails Court. P. II. Joaea Monstgnor and Lillian Loo. E. Murray -El Dorado and Boeerriau Dillard Hill Judge Treen. Malediction. Youtliful. Peacocks Choke, ,T. S. Mc Alister and Dear Marie. The ioekevs who came with tin- hot at S are W. Ott. Obert. B. Burton. A. Burton, r. Burton. B. Ilatchott and Hannan.