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CANADIAN LICENSES ARE NECESSARY. Toronto. Ont.. April 21.— The Ontario Joekev labs program lM...k. the first issued in Canada this season, announces the following reipilrements and provisions regarding licenses, and it is understood that they will prevail al all other big meetings: Ko trainer or Jockey shall be allowed to train or rid.- horses at Woodbine Park. Toronto, the ra.-e course of the Ontario Jockey Club, until he shall have first obtained a Urease from the Canadian liming Associations. Applications for Honors of trainers and iockev« residing in Canada will not be received bv tin- sec retaiy of the Canadian Racing Associations after May lo. owners, trainers, Jockeys and others who do not reside but contemplate racing in Canada are especially requested to make early application lo the secretary of the Canadian Racing Associations Imperial Bank Building. Toronto, for their licenses for IBM. No entry will be accepted from any stable not provided with a trainers license.