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OPTIMISTIC AS TO SANTA ANITA. Lo- Angeles. Cal.. April 21. — Among the directors of the Los Angeles Racing Association there is a feeling of confidence that racing will lie conducted .it Sawta Anita next winter as usual, despite the ant i-liet ting law. George Rose, the heaviest stockholder in the association, is one who foresees a future for the track. "This is the last day of racing in California, but not the final." said Rose Saturday. "While the sniort has been dealt a black eve bv the legislature we are bv no means disi-ouraged. When this moral wave, as you call it. has massed away. I lielieve a saner and more liberal spirit will prevail and horse racing, under certain restrictioas as to III Ulna will be tolerated. "Santa Anita will not Ik- dismantled. The track will remain intact for some time, at least, and right now I know of no stockholder who has his holdings for sale For my part, I stand pat, This is only the darkness hefmjej Hie dawn."