Two Capital Lists Of Entries.: Nominations to the Clark and Louisville Handicaps Promise Great Racing in May., Daily Racing Form, 1909-04-22

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TWO CAPITAL LISTS OF ENTRIES. Nominations to the Clark and Louisville Handicaps Promise Great Racing in May. Examination of the entries to the two chief ban Heaps ..f the com tog Louisville meeting discloses mi exrremeh satisfactory an— ranee of high-class lining. In both the Clark Handicap and Louisville Handicap, the entries are of exceptionally good class hoi sis :, ml mere Of theni than has l.e.-n customary in their cases. Such rattling good horses us Friend Harry. Pink. in. Royal Tourist. Prince Ahmed. Colo uil Rob. Jeff Bernstein. Terah. All Red. Johnnie Blake, Wcstbnry. old Honesty. Transvaal. Han bridge. Arcite. Sir Cleges. Roseburg 11 . Kercheval. The Minks. T. M. Green. Winl.rgreen. Bockcastle. Gretna Green, Blcaap, Pollv Prim, preen Seal. Miss Sain. Dir.-l. Mo.pi. to. Mane Abe. Sea Swell. ,Ia obit. . Apache. Berwick, Grande Dame. Darkuigbt and others ilia: appear in the 1 isi give, inspiring promise of great contests, not only in these two events, but in oversight races as well. The entries to the two have never been excelled at Louisville and are as fellows: The Clark Handicap. Three -Year-Olds and Over, SI. 000 Added. 1 1-13 Miles. Bdward Alvevs Friend Harry, ch. c. ;!. by Orlando —Ali.-e Bread. Edward Alvevs Pinkola. ch. g. 4. by Pink Coat — Wyoia. Edward Alvevs Prince Ahmed, ch. h, 5. by Ilan over - Pereita. Bdward Alvevs Colonel Rob. blk. c. 4. by Cesarion Foasotette. Edward Alvevs Miss l.ida. b. n. 5, by Ogden — Minnie BaltSbatJ . A. Raker ft Co.s JetT Uernsteiu. b. g. 3. by Orlando- -Lake Breese. George M. Ponds Colonel Blue. b. c, 3. by Blues —Concha. E. R. Rradlevs Rail News. br. g. 9. by Flying Dutchman Kla.-k Sleeves. Bdward A. Brciinans Terah. b. c. 4. by Al e Frank — -Charm. Bdward A. Rrennans Petulant, ch. c. 4. by Abe Frank Nomas Pet. Edward A. Brcnnans Miss Thompson, b. f. 3. by Golden st Lady Ilinunel. Mark Burtons Alice, ch. f. 3. by Fatherless— Eostre. .1. N. Canideu. .Ir.s Miami, b. c. 3. by Count Schomherg Rocbelle. I.. A. I Vilas Hvperion II.. b. g. ti. by Mazagan Van-a Clar. L. -A. Vilas All Red. ch. g. 2. by Star Ruby— Alanette. Fred Cooks Johnnie Rlake. oh. g. 4. by The Commoner S.ilaire. Fred o oks Andv Glnter, b. c. :5. by Goldfinch Shnui. Fred C.M ks Anna L. Daley, b. f, t, by Lissak— Anna Hastings. Fred Cooks Ida Hewitt, b. f. ■ . by Ren Brush— Bkim. , .. , . C. R. Ellisons Royal Tourist, b. c. 4. by San.lring li.-ini Leisure. c. B. Ellisons Wistbury. b. g. B, by Meddler— James Everman and Co.s Ordono. b. c. 4. by Orlando -Nettie Dutchman. W II. riser .V: Co.s orlandot. b. g. 4, by Orlando — Dottie II. . Samuel lorsvthes Silverado, b. g. „ 3. by „., Silver Dale Siona. GaBahev Pros. Mary Talbott. ch. f. 4. by Mazagan —Sister Juliet. A. J Corevs Old Honesty, b. h. 5. by Previous —Mamie Doyle. A. J. Goreya Transvaal, b. c, 4, by Commando — Boyal Rose. : ., John G. Greeners Olambala. ch. c. o. by Ornus— Bine and White. J. A: C. I".. Hainiltons Stone Street, b. K. 4. by L.iigstr.el Stone Nellie. George Benahiea Micha. 1 Angelo. ch. c. 3. by Or mis— May Angelo. A. Ilolbergs Kercheval. br. h. C. by The Commoner or Tithonus — Tom Roy. George II. Hollos Hanbridgc ch. c. 4. by Rana-star Debacle. ... W. A. Hughes and Cn.s Miss Crawford, ch. in. 8, by Tennv Fl" II. A. Lasaines Wool Sandals, br. h. 5. by Wools thorpc -Winged Sandals. J. Ii. LesJis- Warfield. ch. c. 3. by Nasturtium-Detection. George I. Longs Arcite. eh. b. ." . by Alvescut -La Gnscoguo. George J. Longs Sir Clogos. b. g. 4. by lalsetto— Php-ika. John Mnrkleins Y. A. Leach, b. e. S. by Star Shoot Dixoietta. C. S. Meddis Rattle Fleet, b. c. o. by Adnionition — Miss C. Renjauiin Jleyers The Vicar, ch. g. o. by Ham- l" J. Milletts Albert Fanz. b. g. 3. by Ruskin II. — Ainaranth. - Moore A; Tbom|w ns Mrs. Marion Moore, ch. f. .1. by Nasturtium— Lady Ellerslie II. V. Mueller and Co.s Pottles, blk. h. o. by Isidor —Barmaid II. , II. MeCarreu. Jr.s Roseburg II.. ch. C, J. by „ Haps-burg— Florida Rose. .1. W. MeClellands Ban Avis. br. ft 4. by St. Geerxi — Hundley. John McDonalds Lcxolinc. blk. h. o. by Lackford —Mettle o. Thomas C. McDowells Huck. b. g. 4. by Allan a-Dsle- Miss Gussie Thomas C. McDowells Alchemist, b. g. 3. m by Allan n-Dale G.iillard III. D. N. Prewitts The Minks, blk. h. b. by Top Gallant — Iaabtoda. I. N. Pr.witts T. M. Green, b. ft 3. „ by G. . Johnson Evergreen. F. It. BiapiaaV Boeap. b. g. :;. by Mazagan — iena .1. R. R. ni ess Wiiilergreen. b. g. 3. • by Dick Welle- Winter. J. R. Bespees BertrsMla b. ft 3. by Dick W«-lle; Nettie Green. . L. Sandtonls OBrien, b. g. 3. by In-goldsby— Barbara Gray. John W. Schorrs Gretna Green, br. g. 5. by Ren Brush- Runaway Girl. W. F. Sehultes Zien.ip. b Hi. 5, by Florist — Alleviate. W. F. Scbultes Gliding Relic, b. f. 3. by Belles Commoner Gliding By. Lee Smiths,* Dr. Barkley. ch. c. 3. by Margrave — Lizzie Oilman T. II. Stevens Clovne. b. f. 4. bv Cameron — Clara Meader. St. James Stables I. II. Wheatcroft Green Seal. b. h. .1. bv Greeaaa — Gold Seal. St. James Stables I. II. Wheatcroft Miss Sain, b. f. I. by Sain— Miss linker. Talbot Pros." Tanglowood. b. g. 5. bv John Bright — Matilda. .1. It. Wainwrigiifs Polly Prim. br. in. 6. by Pirate of Penzance Knsmo. J. It. Wainu rights John E. McMillan, oh. h. 5. bv John Plight- Rattle Belle. George Woods- Ms quite, b. ft 4. bv Ren Holla day Ruction. W. J. Y. .ungs Direct, ch. c. by Don do Oro — lroken. W. J. Youngs Plate Glass, blk. c. 3. by Plaudit — Eliza Relic. W. S. Youngs Darknight. blk. g. 4. bv Plaudit— ■Jama Beam, The Louisville Handicap. Three-Year-Olds and Over, ,000 Added. 3-4 Mile. Mrs. M. Abadies Deuce, br. h. 0. by St. George — Vantage. EdwiUd Alveys Friend Harry, ch. c. 3, by Orlando — Alice Brand. Edward Alveys Pinkola. ch. g. 4. by Pink Coat — Wyola. Edward Alveys Colonel Bob. blk. c. 4. by Cesar-ion — Fonsolette. Edward A Keys Prince Ahmed, ch. h. 5, by Han over — Pereita. D. W. Armstrongs Advancing. I r. f. 3. by Ad-rsnee Guard — Our Jessie. A. Raker fit Co.s Jeff Bernstein, b. g. 3. by Or-lando -Lake Breeze. R K. Lewis- Crystal Maid. br. f. 3. bv Pirate of Penzance -Silk Maid. L. A. Rrennans Lady Oriniar, ch. f. 3. by Ori-niar — Miss Ross. E. A. Rreiinans Petulant, ch. ft 4. bv Al » Frank — Norinas Pet. i B. a. Rrennans Gold Dust. b. g. 3. by Goldcrost -Lulu M. J. N. Camdens Ozaua. ch. f. 3. by Mazagan -Sparkle. L. A. Delias Hyiierinn II.. b. g. 0, bv Mazagan -Van a Clar. L. A. Delias All Red. ch. g. 3. by Star Kubv — Allanette. L. A. Ccllas Sent Swell, ch. c. 3. bv Cesarion — Ny.lia. L. A. Vilas Marse Abe. ch. c. 3. bv Yankei — Halo. Fred Cooks Johnnie Rlake. ch. g. 4. bv The Cotn-m..iier — Salaire. 1r d Cooks Andy Ginter. b. c. 3, bv Goldfinch — Sham. lr.,1 Cooks Anna L. Daley, b. f. 3. by Lissak — Anna Hastings. Fred Cooks Ida Hewitt, b. f. 3. bv Ren Rrush— Skim. J. T. Combs and Co.s Splendida. ch. f. 3. by Wools-thorpe — Splendid. C. R. Ellisons Royal Tourist, b. c. 4, bv Sand-rlngham — Leisure. C. R. Ellisons Westbury. b. g. 5, bv Meddler— I rania. C. R. Ellisons Jacobite, b. g. G. by Golden Garter — Flora Mac. James Flemings Apache, ch. g. 4, bv Ethelbert — iioiti. I. P. Fitzgeralds Melissa, ch. f. 3. by Star Shoot — .Much Ado. W. II. Flzer and Co.s Al Mttller. b. g. 4. by Sor cerer — Discard. W. II. Flzer Sr Co.s Anne McGee. b. f. 3 bv Maria Santa — California. William Gersts Ilalket. br. c. 4. by Heao— Lena II. Goldberg aV Allens Juanita Goldberg, b. f. 3. by St. Cation Maxima. A. J. Goreys Old Honesty, b. h. B. by Previous — Mamie Dovic. A. J. Goreys Transvaal, b. c. 4. bv Commando — Royal Rose. J. and 0. E. Hamiltons Goldproof. ch. g. . by Gold Spinner— Glimmer Glass. J: S. Hawkins ov. lando. b. h. 5, bv Orlando -Sister. James W. Fergusons Daintv Dame. br. m. 5. bv Handspring -Mv Fair Kentucky. Henderson and Hogans Marbles, blk. f. 4. by Lis ask — OlLasetto. Ceorge II. Holles Hanbridgc. ch. ft 4. bv Ranastar — Debacle. George H. Hollos Colloquy, b. m. 5. bv Russell-La Tour. W. A. Hughes and Co.s Charlie Eastman, br. g. 0. by Hlmyar— Brooch. T. M. Irvins Mc.idowgrass. br. c. 3. by Meadow-tlieii" --Ronnie Lassie, A. LaaaaeeS W.hjI Sandals, br. h. 5. bv Winged Sands Is. . Lasances Ren Howe. br. ft 3. by Kinlev Mack — Merry Order. George J. Longs Rnlbus. ch. c. 4. by Alvescot — Illustrious. George .1. Longs Arcite. ch. h. 5. by Alvescot — La Gascogae. loon Marklelaa W. A. Leach, h. ft S, bv Star Shoot -Dixolcta. C. S. Meddis Adder, b. g. 3. bv Admonition — Faiality. Ren.j. Meyers The Vicar, ch. g. 3. by Hamburg — Vespers. J. C. Milam and Co.s Merrick, ch. g. I. by Golden Garter — liianca. P. J. Milletts Hilly Klair. b. g. 3. by Orlando— Amaranth. Moore and Thompsons Richard Reed. br. c. 3. bv Maria Santa — Alary. Moore A: Thompsons T. F. Henry, b. ft 3. by Wool.-thorp — Nanine. C. V. Mueller and Co.s Deacon, b. b. 5. bv Allo-way — Mallow. II. McCarren. Jr.a Ro.-cburg II., ch. ft 3. bv Hups burg — Florida Rose. John MeClernand and Co.s Ko K0K0 Ho. b. ft 3. by Sorcerer Linoto. John MeClernand »V Co.s Brambtte. b. f. 3. by Resolute II. -Bramble Leaf. J McDonalds Chalice, eh. f. 3. by Malta Santa — Challie Howard. Thomas C. McDowclll Berwick. Ch. h. 5. by Allan-a Dale Miss Oussic. Thomas C. McDowells Alchemist, b. g. 3. by Allan a Dale -Gaillard III. Peyton A Akens- Beaver Girl. br. f. 3. by If Alkie * — Degenerate. 1. N. PrewittS T. M. Green, b. ft 3. by .. . Johnson I.vergreen. J. B. Bespees Wintergreen, b. e. ■■. by Db k Welles Winter. J. R. BespesB Rockcastle, b. c. 3. by Dick Welles — Hettie Green. .1. P. Beapeaa* Joe Maaaff, b g. 4. by Macee - J. I,. Restiess" Turle. ill. ft 3. by Db k Welles-Tit for Tat. Jena W. Schorrs Gretna Green, br. g. 5. bv Ren liinsli — Runaway Girl W. Show alters Boxer, ch. g. 5. bv Pox— Two Heart. Lee Smithas Dr. Barkley. ch. ft 3. by Margrav" — Lizzie Oilman. John II. Stevens and Co.s Beatrice K.. ch. m. 6. bv Handsel -Miss Eddie. Talbot Pros." Estradia. b f. 4. by Estrada Ialina —Matilda. TnllK.t Rros. Acquis, b. f. 3. by Bissau ■■ -Ilmarinen. J. K. Wainwrigbts Polly Prim. br. 111. 6. by Pilate of Penzance— Kosnio. 1 St. James Stable I. II. Wfceeterofts Hasty Agnes, b. f. 4. bv Hastings--St. Agnes St. James Stable 1 1. H. Whcatcrofts Miss Sain. b. . I. bv Sain— Miss Raker. St. James Stable I H. Wbeatcrotfs Grande Basse, efe. f. 4. bv The Commoner — Noblesse. St. James Stable I. H. Wheatcrofts Green Seal. b. h. 5. bv Greeaaa — Gold Seal. W. J. Youngs Direct, ch. ft 3. by Don de Oro— Krokcn George Woods Great Pirate, br. ft 4. bv Pirate of Penzance — Grace J. J. O. Whitlows lrfainh. b. I. 3. bv Mestneiisl • La Cheviot. W. J. Youngs Darknight. blk. g. 4. by Plaudit Eliza Belle. W. J Youngs Plate Glass, blk. r. ::. by Plaudit — Eliza Relic.

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