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ANSWERS TO 0UERIES. [Comniuiiications without names and addresses of senders will not be answered or noticed; nor will any answers lie sent by mail. I W. J. W.. Chicago. Prices published as received. Will look the matter up. M .1.. Mt. Clemens. Mich. If straight, it lost: place ni show, it was a draw. W. :.. Chicago. The Ida May show bet was a draw, there lieing no separate slum pries against her. C B. S.. Chicago. Knglish Lad ran in the Ameii ran P.-ih ..I HXM ami finished fourth lo Highball. Keedeoa and Rapid Water. P. G. MacD.. Orange. Conn. Racing at Haw thorn. in 1!M » began Monday. May 2s. At Roby the same rear it came to a close Wednesday. Nii v.iub.r 14. F. M. B.. Chicago. There is no way of forciug the pay meat of a bet. but the embarrassing circiiiiisian. -e mentioned no g.HHl reason why the hSOk-inak.r should not pay a bet that he had accepted. .1. B. R.. Chicago. Rose Noble, which won for II. B. Diirxoa in France last Wednesdav. Is not an ni. i i. an bud aiiiinal. bill a three -year -old chestnut lil I liv William the Third— Bus.- Bend, bred in England. J. It. Hamilloii. Out. Daily Racing Form lias ahvavs held that in handbook belting a backer ol a single horse of a coupled entry lias his bet decided by the running of that horse and that If it should be scratched be has a draw no matter where the Sthet horse or horses of the entry tinish.