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SANTA ANITA OWNERS AND HORSES. Some Still Await Transportation, but Nearly All Have Gone to Other Race Tracks. Los Angeles. Cal.. April 22.— There are a very few horses left at Arcadia and what are there are only waiting for transportation. The reason Vic toria. B. C. is getting such a large quantity of horses, is that the Victoria people are paying the transiiortatiou. tp to yesterday the complete list of shipments to British Columbia. Ocjden and Salt Lake Cltv were as follows: To Ogilen and Salt Lake City John Moore. 4 horses: W. J. Harden. 2: W. M. McKinncy. I: W. P. Maxwell. 14: Joe Cooper. 2: Sam Greenfield, 1: W. St. Vincent. 12: J. D-. Armour. .".: Gil Stammers. : : C. E Faut. o; L. C. Williams, 2: 11. Tobte, 2: W. C. Weat Jk Co.. 4: James Smith. -: S. Polk. «: W. Duiker. 0: Al Goodwin. 4: F. Fariar. 0: Arter-bmv and Paddock. 2: J. Pelter. 0: G. W. Robinson. .!: E. Beattv. :!: H. W. Hoag. 2: Fred Menkel. 2: McDougal. 2: C. A. Baldwin. 0: B. F. Hobart. 0: Ittinford and Kelly. 2: Grant "i« d. 1; C. C. West. 0; A. G. Dunlap. :; L. Stock. 2. To Victoria. P.. C— W. T. Anderson. 1 horses: R. W. Allen. S: Anderson, .i: T. Breedlove. 1 : E. Beattv. 4: Torn Bovle. 5; J. II. Brown. 2: E. C. Blame, -i: II. Bondy. 1: W. Covingnm. l ; Fred Kraft. •".: II. A. Cotton. 4: W. Freeman. 2: Gar-ritv A: Dunlap. II: Jack Humbright. 1: II. L. Jones. 5; C. R. Jones. .!: Johnson - Dodson. 5: Joe James. 2: II. J. Jackson. 0: J. E. King. 2: Loewenstein and Jones. 2: W. Millard doubtfuli. »: I. II. Miller. 4: W. C. Marshall. 1: A. Nell] doubtful i. 4: J. H. Ripple. 2; M. Beht, ft: L. V. Scars. 2: St. James Stable. 11: J. Vogt. 1: Joe Mason. 1: H. W. Wallhauscr. 5: George Wentworth. :t. The stables shipped to I.atonia from here were: E. Alvev. S horses: James Arthur. 4: W. J. Spoirs. :.: W. H. Baker. 2: Anderson and Ilogan. It: C P.. Reid. 2: G. P. Brazier. 1: George Keif. :.: A. Rlute. : P. Knebelkamp. 2; B. Schreiber. 2: J. M. Grillin. :J: L. tiering. 4. Dick Williams, with 12 hones, shipped to Butte, Mont., and St. 1 N gol a consignment from B. Schreibers stable of 12 horses.