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SEASON TO SAIN FOR WINNER. l.eini;ton. K.. J ■ 21. Barney S liroibor will present a ■eaaoa to the winner of the weanling ■las- al the horse show w liich will lie In Id al Lexington ill ci ciion with tin- Bin, Crass State lair. Last year tie- winners received either a seas..,, 10 Rock Sand or Adam. Adam has been shipped out of the country, but the season to Rock Bead siiil -1. mils a- one ol ihe prises this season, and .louett Sic. use. of Lexington, secured the season to Sain as tin- other prlae this vear Tle an- riven for tin-best weanUng coll ami lillv shown. A season to Sain coats 11.000, and but live are sold to Bock S.unl at 11,000, August Belmont today advised Secretary Shouse of tin- Blue Grass Pah- Association that besides donating a season to Rock Band, in- will give others to Hastings, whose fee is .M . These premiums l-i .d will be given as prlaea for suckling thor oughbreda.