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HAGGIN SHIPMENT TO ENGLAND. New York. June 21.— J. B. Ilaggin characterizes tin- shipment of fifty two yearlings from Ehnendorf which left for Kngland a few days ago on the Minnehaha, as the best all-around lot he has ever sent abroad. Embraced in the consignment to la-sold on the other side of the Atlantic are sons and daughters of Watercress, Waterhoy. Star Ruby. Kin-ley Mack. First Water, Oolden Garter, Slave. Oreeiiaii. Order, Bell Stroine and others. There ar-brothers to First Water. Water Pearl and Hessian, and a splendid looking colt by Ben Strome out of Briar Sweet among them. Tills shipment about cleans up the Elmendorf year ling crop of 1000. Most of the other youngsters w.-rc sent away to South America earlier in the month. H I he muster of Rlmendorf sells any yearlings in this country this year they will be put up at auction in the fall. The reason, it is said, the Ilaggin youngsters were shipped to foreign markets this year is that the proprietor of Elmendorf. who is still the blggeat breeder in the world, made arrangements to Bead them away before it became evident that American ruing was going to ha as good as It has turned out.