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HILARIOUS WINS THE TIDAL JOE MADDEN MEETS WITH MISHAP AND FAYETTE FINISHES SECOND. Decision of Race Leads to Belief That Fitz Herbert Is Superior of Hilarious — Big Crowd Sees Racing Under Ideal Conditions. New York. June 20. — Hilarious again defeated Fayette an l Joe Madden, his pi I iltill ■! rivals for this seasons three-vear old stake honors, in the SM.SM Tidal Stakes at Shee|,sliea.l Bay toilay. and the ureal eolts victory was marked hv even less effort than had attended either of his preceding easily aehieved triuin|ihs over Hie iiair. Hie quartet of starters also ineluded Coiiutv Fair, an imon-► eiiuential unWilate. running for the lir*t time in the name and colors of Miss Marronc. who had acquired 1 ■ i in for ,300 :i few lioiirs previously. First plaie wa generally eoneedeil lo James It. Keene s brilliant -on of Voter and llarpsiehord. although mm Madden and Hildreth hath helieved that the had a royal ehanee of heating him. This made the »l tlltt aboul Hilarious good, and 1 to 2 was ahvavs on tap. The Keeiie trainer. .limmv Howe, ridiculed Joe Maddeaa pretensions. "Its the Fayette quality that is uncertain." hi- declared bo fori the race. Hilarious doiniiiated the running throughout. He made a sort of a Ix.hlde midway of the streieb. ami close ohservers said that Seovllle was kicking him at this point. If so. Hilarious probably was loariui; and Scoxillc. mindful of Mr. Keenes orders, decided to take ik chances. Hilarious early frac tional time, with stake weight up. was considered niarveloii; ly fast, but there was a marked slowing down la the Imsi quarter, which may be an indication of doubtful stamina on the part of the winner. It is generally believed that Fltz Herbert is his superior. Fayette was always in closest attendance to Hilaiioiis and sut prised the spectators by decisively I tailing off Joe Madden s challenge for sceuprl. It »ubs cqiieiilly developed that Hildreths horse had been lamped iiimhi in the race and he milled up lame. The iniiirv was on the pastern of his right foreleg, where a swelling the size of a hens egg was visible. .Mr. Hildreth was unable to deckle if the eouseqiience* would result in Joe Madden helm* thrown out of training. For the first time in a week perfect racing conditions prevailed today, and with a card of high quality offered, the usual half-holiday crowd always looked for was augmented to such an extent that there were fully 15.000 t eople on hand when the afternoons sport began. Mrs. I.. A. Livingston uneoveretl another Rancocas-lired youngster of class in Kingship In the Foam sind it is rumored that her stable contains a number of good ones not yet shown. The condensed history of the Foam Stakes since 1900 is as follows: Year. Winner. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. 1000 Dublin 117 McCne .44." 1:01 lMl Francesco 122 Shaw 3.2SO 1:00* IMS Sir Voorhles 117 Wonderlv .. 4.o.v. 1:00* ISHfct luflexible IIS Kedfern ... 5.S05 1 :ol i 1H04 Flvhaek IIS Hildebrand.. 4.330 :5!»i IMS Jacobite 124 W. Davis .. 3.M6 l:O0i 1006 Oran US W. Miller. . 4.77.". 1:00* 1907 Cohort 120 It. Lowe ..5.320 1:00* JOOS Mediant Ill D. McCarthy 4,100 1:00? 15*00 Kingship 115 V. Dowers.. MS 1:01* The vietory of Hildas Sister in tlie second race ami Waterspeed In the Beacon Steeplechase entailed three straight defeats for favorites. After Hilarious and Sir John Johnson, two public choices, had me terialized with scant comfort at short odds, along came the biggest upset of the day with the failure of Berkeley to plaee in the last race. The steeplechase developed into a brilliant and ipnr larriaa duel betweeu two high class .lumpers. Waterspeed anil ISauctus. It was one of the best cross country con tests seen this season, the result being in doubt until the last stride. The tablet! history of the Beacon Steeplechase is as follows: Year. Winner. A. Wt. Jockey. Val. Tim.. 1902 G. W. Jenkins. 4 147 Bay .!»iM 5:12 IMS Tip Ballast. . .7 1M Gallagher .. :t.!x;o r.:2s ltxit J iid. Campbell. 4 133 J. J. Mara. 4.0". 5:08 J005 Sandhurst 4 137 Finnegan .. 4,000 5: IP 19ot; Crandpa 7 157 C. Smith... 4.475 5:12 1»07 Hvlas 5 102 Kay 3,080 5:14 loos California King5 147 McKlnnev . 3.050 5:04j 1000 Waterspeed ...." 145 Donohtie ... MS ." :0t!g Norhitt took the Thistle, the tabled history of which is as follows: Year. Winner. A. Wt. .TockeT. Val. Time. 1002 Francesco 3 01 Creamer . . .. ISO 1 :5.D 1903 Andy Wllliams4 112 Odom 2.535 1:53 IBM Dainty 4 01 Crimmins ..3.255 1:52 1005 Co Between... 4 100 Digging 2.755 1:55 1900 First Mason... 0 112 J. Martin .. 2.805 1:52! 1907 Grapple 5 97 Beekuian .. 3.035 1 :5!» 1MB M on fort 4 100 Gilbert 4.500 1 :52« MOP Norhitt 4 105 Butwell ... MS 1:52 The Coney Island Jockey Club has announced an extra days racing for next Friday. It Is suid that Thomas Welsh has been engaged to train for August Belmont -exclusively and that there will be no division of the Belmont stable as at tlrst contemplated. John Whalen will probably ibe assigned to the task of breaking the yearlings. Contrary to reimrt the Sanlord horses will not be wen in public until Saratoga. It is said that the lsluble will 1m- a strong one this season. Barney Schreitier is extensively represented in the Kmpire City lixed events, anil his eastern stable will In- greatly strengthened for racing on the Yonkers track.