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DERBY TO BE RUN TODAY FIELD OF SEVEN NAMED TO START IN MON-CREIF PARK EVENT. Fauntleroy Rules Favorite at 9 to 5, with Chelsea Stable Entry Second Choice — Favorites Make Clean Sweep. Jacksonville. Fla.. April 1. — Favorites swept he baud al Moncreif Park this afternoon. The victory of the sixih. First Pit iniiim. came ihrough the disqualification of Slicker, which foaaed not mdv First Premium, but Ten Paces as well. As a mailer of lac: the latter was the worse sufferer of tlie two. Gaaa being sharply cut ,.ff and knocked back at the eighth |wisf. The judges look prompt action on KeMs complaint and placed Sticker second. Pels mi the eseadag ran- were called off just as file bugle blew calling Ihe horses to the f ost. A deputy sheriff appeared in the pashhMt and served an attachment on the mare Snow Ball, ami there was nothing left for the officials to do but to scratch Snow Ball and order new betting. The first four winners made runaway affairs of their races, bill Allanfearn and First Premium came from iHhiml ami finished stonily. J. Wilson and S. Favis each rode two winners. The big attraction tomorrow will Ik- the American Derby, in which a field of seven good colts are named to go to the post. Pulka is penalized lor his numerous victories here and is asked to shoulder 12". pounds. He will be ridden bv tea*, James McLaughlins giNMl colt. Fauntleroy. with Jimmy Beid in the saddle, will be the betting choice. The Chelsea Stable will send two to the lost — lot hat hi and Martinez. J. Wilson will have tin- mount on the 1st sail, while S. Havis will be on Martinez. Sager will be ridden bv Dave Nicol and Polls by V. Powers. If Boca Grande goes, which loi ks doubtful. J. Deavenport will have the uioiiut. Fauntleroy will he favorite at !t to .". and the Chelsea Stable entrv second choice at 12 to ." . Odds ■meted tonight against the others are as follows: Sager. 4 to 1. Pulka Bad Polls. ■ to 1, and Boca Grande. 10 lo l. Senor F. Dcbarios, accompanied bv William Barrett, arrived this morning from Cuba ami will purchase about twenty-five racers for shipment to Havana to take part in the races Iveing given bv the Havana Sporting Club. This association gives matinee races .very Sunday at the Alinanilares track. The natives are beginning to take kindly to the s|*irt. which means that in a few years Clilxa will be Hie scene of important winter racing. Sager was worked a mile this morning- in 1:44. This was his final preparation for the Derbv. to be run tomorrow, and it was the fastest move that fh« colt had ever shown in a preliminary for trainer John Powers. O. 1. Orlppta claimed Autumn Rose out of the third rate, paying *02." for the lilly. W. B. Haldeman. who has beca wintering at Miami, was a visitor at Moncreif this afternoon. He will remain over until after the runnint: of the Derby before continuing on to his home in Louisville.