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WITH THE EASTERN TRAINERS. New York. April 1. — Some moves calculated to krhag naeJr haraea to ihe |Hiint where they can ha mi aaara Par real Eaal axark was acraaaauaheal hy Ni-ni traharra at Betaaaal Park featerdajr. K 1 Nasli .oi k d Kinr Coliaii ■ half in VM. Tlie work was well done. King tVriialt was pnncii fired for a eaaaae af aaliara iarfcag tin- winter. He is gaftai M-.iii.ill now and trainer Nash is sanguine he will Haiii mi sai lafarto lily. I.aiiy Kosaiie and Ken Ix -niinil. liv Haaaagriag and Hen Stroine. tes|ieetively. were i ased up threeeinhths ill :U»«. Miss Dooley w«-nt three -eighth* in 4::. ■ark oltiicn galloped three ajaartera ia 1:22*. Kimlial Patteraoa. Lis trainer, has spared M pains in iviiiK the M.ddler three year old an 41 prepara 1 1 . .-1 . ami the reeaM is hiirlily phasing. Wiaaiag AVidow and tioliieu hgaea worked a half in better than Til Tender I-loom covered an eipial dislanee :it the same nmili. Hiililin Minstrel, a son of Btal Marl, went a liall in aVf. handily. Stephen La* lei laneatd Ohlekaaaw and Queens ■ half in •- Queens is ;1 sin. i ithly-turned. welltem-|nied tw. ear-old hay filly hy Matchless, out of Aatraajal. Tin faaaaera UlUe Hoy and BM call i| ed three ajaartera in 1 :2."«. Ihalrr went a mile in 2:00. i. Miner lliomas, J. Healey did not jrive any of It i .-hard T. Wilson. .Ir.s lmrs-s fast work, hut neM mi i k be iitiiids in aharpea up the ones which are tu race ill A. pi. duet. Ilaml.ala and CaiKileherry galhaaH ■ mile slower than a twiMiihiute gait. !,« in .ii|i and Aurnicr followed at the same clip. AFainalia. Ajawaai. theiish. Cutt vhunk. Doreheater. Pari W-ilii. Semi Quaver. Gaaeticfc. AIniiiiiiI. I.iin-p -l and Mr. Xiagle wint ■ half in SSI. Hnfus is goiag heller this s|irili tiian ever liefore. His atiddle leu. Ion tilled up while he was racinpr lasi summer and caused his ret irement.