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MILLER BILL STILL PRIVATE MEASURE. Possibility That It Will Not Be Reached During Present Session of Canadian Parliament. Montreal. Que.. April 1. — The thoroughbred mare. I eat ■. by Voter, dropped a chestnut lilly foal laday by the National Breeding Bareaa stallion. Oraeataaa. This is the ninth bureau foal of the season on the island of Montreal. The others are by Host-mount. Ostrich, Valjean. Mastermaii and Sea Horse II. All the foals are line specimens and all are from thoroughbred mares. The half-bred crop will not arrive until May ami June, when ahead fltX* foals are expected, all sired hy National Breeding Bureau stal l ions. Acrobat has arrived safely from Jacksonville, accompanied by his masi-ol. a mottled gi at. This liorse is a grandson of St. Simmi. out of a Sir Mailed mare, ami is a valuable acipiisition to the horse breed in:; industry of Canada. Acrobat was also a Read race horse, and has a mile record of 1:37|, Blade over Ihe Fes Alleles track. F.ilher Acrobat m- Zipaiifro will 1h- placed by Ihe bureau on the farm of Sir Frederick Bordea, minister of militia ami defense. ZipaiifM. donated bv II. ;. Bedwell. is a strik lagtj haiiilsome stallion now, and has gained SH pounds in weight since his reliremeul from the Hacks. He is bv Admonition, a sou of Hanover, •ill of Miss .. by florist. Acrobat was donated to the bureau by ltichard P. Carman, of New York, who a year and a half ■•go gave Koseiiiount. now the thoroughbred champion of Canada. :• the bureau. Koseiiiount was bred al the Niirserv Stud and is bv Hastings, out of Ladv Itoseniary. by St. Blaise. The Natieaal Breeding Bureau has secured by donation from Allen Boswell of Quelieo the stallion Blue Coat, bv P.en Strolue. out of Blue Jacket, bv hislle Jacket. The bureau takes tlie stand that the Miller bill. if passed, will stop American donations of thorough-I red sires, and as there are over 27. INK! Canadian farmei s interested in Ihe work and 1.4 IO applications for stallions, this attitude of the big horse-breeding concern has had a steadying effect on the House of t ominous. It has placed a condition in opposition to a theory and has arrayed a heap of facts against a mound of nonsense and ignorance. It i oints out that England is 153.000 horse* short of cavalry mo Silizatioii strength, and this, resolved into dollars and cents, means $::. . MlO.OitO for Canadian fanners if they an- allowed and enabled to produce the crop. All the prominent racing clubs in Canada have. within the past week, declared officially that thev w ill close if the Miller bill U-iomes law. and. following this up. the bureau shows that the .stamping out of the thoroughbred will jeopardize tin- entire horse-breeding Industry in Canada, representing an invested Capital of 9256,000,009. The strength of this objection has been felt to Bach an extent that the Miller bill is still a private and not a government measure. This means Ihat all he government bills will have to be disposed of before it comes up. and even then it is thirteenth oil the private bill list, so that there is a chance that it may not lie reached this session. A year of grace will mean the salvation of tlie turf in Canada, for it will give the horsemen time to organize thoroughly and OMBhat the general and aggressive lmlicv of the self-styled reformers. By :hat time it will he shown to Canadians that the horse industry docs not consist of a bookmaker with a stick of chalk. Brought forth in ignorance of the worth of the thoroughbred, this measure has been fed on bigotry and fanaticism and wet nursed by professional propagandists. All the vagaries of the Hughes law have seea copied and a few frills added.