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PENSACOLAS PATRONAGE IMPROVES. IViisacola. 11a.. April 1. — There was a decided iaaarereaaeat in ihe attendance today. Bettiag was also of increased volume. Prices were, however. tight and Cue hooks won. Tin- faiaaffinf conditions of the last two days makes it feasihle for the management to go with the plans originally arranged. There was souk- talk of reducing the purses, hut the horsemens protest is hearing fruit for tin- pies int. The association lias decided piwdtively to continue epirathag the ln oks. Bag* at Austin and Willis Vareunelli. the layers who came here to operate, departed this miriiiii. Tlie former went to Jamestown, where lie will hook. Tom B*aaa*a defeat hy Hohhy Cook .and I.tieullus caused the fctdgea to seek an explanation from his rider, lltl Carroll. The riders explanation was accepted. Tit lath a hy Caltha, Bohby Cook. Lucky Mate and Mary Caadic**** were in the nature of form reversals ovei | n vioiis starts. Clienault scored his second win of tlie aaeetiag when he landed the purse in the opener.