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TAMPA FORM CHART. TAMPA, FLA., Friday, January 6. 1911.- -Fifth day. Florida State Alidwinter Fair Association. Winter Meeting of GO days. 4 books oil. Weather cloudy. Presiding Judge. J. .T. Burke. Starter, William Aiurray. Racing Secretary. E. C. .Smith. 937G4 First Race 5-S Mile. 8S344 1 :03 3 91. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner ?110. Ind. Horse. AVt.Fin.Joekev. Op. CI. PI. Sli. 93714 Bertmont 108 1 AMtin 2 t 1 12 9375SBeth Goodwin 107 2" TKner l 2 4 -3 2 3 93720 Fncle AValter 108 3 Donvn -f 11-54-3 930S7Virs:iin 1091 4l Ralph S 3 S3 93GS7 Friend Airgil 103 51 Jensen 4 5 2 1 93720 Claiborne 107 - Dreyer 10 15 G 3 .13080 Kitty Fisher 108! 7i CKnht 15 20 8 A 93710 Cull Holland 110 S Merry 5 G 2 1 Time. 25, 51. 1:04. Track slow. Winner AV. F. Walters eh. g. 7, by Albert .Montvale trained by A. B. Cumbaek. Went to post at 2:32. At iost 2 minutes. Start good. AV011 easily: second and third driving. Overweights Bertmont, 1 pound: Cncle AValter. 1; Virsaiii, 21; Kitty Fisher. 3J; Cull Holland, 3. 93765 Second Race 5-S Mile. 8S314 1:031 3 -91. Purse 30. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10. Jnd. Horse. AVt.Fin.Joekey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 93714Inspired 9S li Girndo 4 4 3-2 1-2 937113Tlie Ram 110 JMcCy 4 C 2 1 93720 Alencou 110 3 McCly 5 C 2 1 93715 Ben Sand 107 4 Glasner 3-5 1-2 out 93714 Dandy Dancer 105 3 TKner 3 3 2-3 out 9308S C. A. Leimau 100 Gl Irvin G 10 4 2 93710 Donation 105 7 CWhite 10 20 8 4 93717 Broken Ties 103 S Culley 1" 20 S 4 Time, 24, 50, 1:05. Track slow. AVinncr G. Hosmers b. r. 4. by Liiinplighter Inspiration trained by AI. Myers. AVent to post at 3:1K. At post 1 minute. Start badl AVon driving; second and third the same. Overweights Alencon, 3 pounds. 93766 Third" Race 3-4 Mile. SGS20 1:105 S 113. Purse ?200. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner .40. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. Sh. 93087 Silverado 102 11 AWpn 5 S 3 3 2 93595 Autumn Girl 102 2" Jost 3-2 7-3 12 out 9373S3AValt. McI.eanllO McCly 3 41 3-2 2-3 93G87Flirtiug 100 4 ABton 1 ll-102-3out 90472 L. Cavanagh 108 3l AMtin S 10 4 2 93590 Tallow Dip 108 i- F.Pksn G C 2 1 93559 Aan Dan 107 7 CWhite 10 9 4 3 2 Time. 25, 51, 1:18. Track slow. AVinner Mrs. C. Spiagnes b. g, 3, by Silverdale Siona trained by F. It. Ross. AVent to post at 3:28. At inist 2 minutes. Start good. AVon driving: second and third the same. Overweights Walter McLean. 3 iwunds; Lois Cav-anaugh, 3; Tallow Dip. 1. 93767 Fourth Race 3 1-2 Furlongs. 8S241 l:0!if I 109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ami upward. Selling. Net value to winner 140. Ind. Horse. wt.Flu.Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 93715Teddy Bear 105 ll Irvin 2J 1 1 12 93474 Hancock 110 2l Rmsey G G 2 1 93721 Clvsmie 104 3S Jensen 2i 21 1 1-2 93GllOSaudivcr 101 4i ABton 6-5 1 1-2 out 93721 I.ady Chilton 108 5 Dreyer S S 3 1 930SSComplote 100 C H lines 10 10 4 2 031700. K. IIerndoiil02 715 TKner 4 4 11-2 7775GtW. Tilghman 105 S AAVPn 10 20 8 4 titan previously as Belle T. Time. 24. 50v 1:04, 1:11. Track slow. AVinner Jr Bryans b. g. 5. by Gold Heels Helen II. II. trained by B. C. Evans. AAent to post at 3:50. At post 1 minute. Start good. AAou handily; second and third driving. Scratched 904S0 Topsy Robinson. 103. 0verweights Complete. 3 pounds; 0. K. Herndon, 1. 93768 Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. S0S20 1:10; 8 113. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 40. Ind. Horse. AVt.Fin.Joekey. Op. CI. Pi. Sh. 93721 Jennie Wells 105 1and HUmes 5. 3 2 4-5 93717St. Dunstau 104 2h TKner 21 9-5 7-10out 93717Locust Bud 102 3" Jensen 4 3 11-2 93521Harting, 109 4 GLewis 5 S 3 1 93091 San Gil 102 5s Hoffri 2 4 C-3 3-3 93720Grenade 107 G Glasner S-5 21 3-3 3-10 Time. 24. 5014. 1:18. Track slow. Winner .T. J. Faheys b. 111. 7, by Gerolsteln Ze", Yraieil bv A. .T. Karr. Went to post at 4:20. At post 1 minute. Start goou. Won driving; second and third the same. Overweights Jennie ""AVells, 5 .-pounds; Locust Bud. 5; Hartlng, -2; Grenade, 5. 93769 Sixtii Race I Mile and 70 Yards. SS170 -1;50 7-112. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winuer 40. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. Sh. 93713 Alice 105 11 ABton 3 4 S-3 4-5 937198vzygy 101 2i TKner 2 21 1 12 93713ProfiIe 101 3 Irvin 5 31 1 2-3 :i37i:..SandpIper 107 4 HotTn G-5 Si-5 3-5 out J3G91 Carew IOS 5 FJksn 10 20 S 1 934GG John Carroll 107 0 Glasner 0 12 4 2 93504 Vanen 108 7 EGrifn 4 41 2 1 Time, 25, 51. 1:18, 1:46, l:50i equals track record. Track slow. AVinner M. Burtons cli. 111, 5. by Fatherless -Eostre trained by M. Burton. AVent to post at 4:40. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving: second and third the same. Overweights Syzygy, 2 pounds: Carew. 3; John Carroll," 4; Aauen, 5.