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VANDERBILTS GREAT STABLE IN FRANCE. One of the anomolous features of recent racing is that an American, who never took more than a perfunctory interest in the sport in his native land, lias founded a great stable and breeding stud in France and become the leading turfman of that country. W. K. Vanderhilt Is that American and his success in French racing has been nothing short of phenomenal. The truth of the axiom that money makes money is continually exemplified on the French turf, ami it has been by the expenditure of large sums that the American sportsman has at-taned such a remarkable position in a foreign coun-Iry. Nevertheless, wealth alone would not have produced such gratifying results; the money bad to lie laid out with judgment and discretion, and the management of the vast enterprise hail to be entrusted to capable and experienced hands. Mr. Vandorbilt is fortunate in having the services of William Duke as his private trainer at St. Loiiis-dc-Poissy, and the jockey attached lo the stable is Frank ONeill. undoubtedly one of the most etlicieul horsemen riding al the present iime. Puke will have this year about sixty horses under I ili charge, about half of tliis number being now yearlings, sent up from ihe Haras de VillolKin. It will be seen, therefore, that he will be particularly Mlon;; Ju two-year"-olds. The peculiar feature about Mr. Vandcrbilts large winnings is the fact that no one horse contributed disproportionately to the stables total. Neither Nuagc nor Marsa, the leading colt aud filly of the season, were his, and he did not win either the Grand Prix or the French Derby. Mr. Vanderbiits horse that won most money was the four-year-old Oversight, now retired from the turf, and gone to join Maintenon and Prestige at the Vilh bon Stud. His best three-year-old was Relnhart. but he only won 0,000. Sea Sicks prize only totaled up to 7,700. and this horse has also finished his turf career. lie will stand next season at the Haras de Marly-la-Ville. where his fee will lie 01. Ho has been leased to the VIcomte dHarcourt, but Mr. Vanderhilt is to have his services for a certain number of marcs. The following is a list of the horses that William Duke will have in his charge next season: Five-year-olds Negofol. b. h. by Childwick Nebrouze. Prestissimo II.. eh. h. by Soberano Paudore. Sampietro. b. h, by Perth Sentinelle. Four-year-olds Messidor III., b. c, by Ex Voto Mijaurce. Ranicsseum. b. c, by Perth Rancune. Relnhart, blk. c, by Illinois II. Reinette. Three-year-olds Belfast, ch. c, by Turenne Belphoebe. Brume, eh. f, by Prestige Bucla. Callias, ch. c, by Prestige Saint Callatine. Carcere Duro, b. c, by Ilabron Golden Rod! Colline, b. f, by Turenne Colonia. Express, b. c, by Prestige Exilona. Gibelin, ch. c, by Maintenon Gibeline. Golden, ch. c, by Prestige Golden Diana. Guillaunie II., eh. c, by Ornie Gav Rose. Hartford, ch. c. by Winklields Pride Cambridge. Harmeon, ch. c, by Prestige Harmonica II. Hessian, ch. c, by Prestige Hessie. Johnson, gr. c, by John oGaunt Sweet Hilda. La Hire, ch. c. liy Plum Centre Breda. Layman, b. c, by Maintenon Laline. Manfred, b. c. by Maintenon Frederica. MiramlK, b. c. by Turenne Miss Miriam. Mirliflor III., b. c. bv Ex Voto Mijauree. Presight, b. f, by Prestige First Slight. Sesame, ch. c, by Cheri Sesara. Two-year-olds Adah, ch. f. by Royal Flush III. Ada Nay. Alphas Delight, ch. f, by Alpha Delighted. Alphite. b. f, by Alpha Second Sight. Aqua Viva, ch. f. by Rabelais Aigue Noir. Canadienne, ch. f, by Adam Candle. Clatsop, b. c, by Alpha Clatterfeet. Colonat, b. c, by Prestige Colonia. Didius, b. c, by Maintenon Dido. Dorallce, b. f, by Prestige Dorothy Suhr. Edin. ch. c. by Turenne South Edinburgh. EJectrisee, b. f, by Turenne Electric Light. Everest, ch. c, by Maintenon Evelyn. Franche, b. f, by Alpha Franchise. Giberne. br. f, by Prestige Gibeline. Gloria II., ch. f, by Adam Gloriosa. Hallowell, ch. f. by Martagon Halloween. Hildcgarde II., b. f. by Prestige Sweet Hilda. Iowa, b. c, by Yankee Iona. Khaisang, b. c. by Turenne Khadldjah. Lilliputienne, b. f, by Alpha Miss Lily. Maggie, b. f, by Turenne Madge. Montrose II., eh. c. by Maintenon Mario. Ossipee, ch. f, by Turenne Ostendc. Potulance, b. f, by .Maintenon Perpetua. Polonaise, b. f, by Toddington Polacca. Rainoire, ch. f, by Maintenon Reinette. Rossington, b. c, by Toddington Rose Window. Salami, ch. c. by Maintenon Salambo. Sandfly, b. f, by Maintenon Sandflakc. Satyrane, b. c. by Ogden Satisfy. Sightly, b. f, by " Maintenon First Sight. Standart, b. c, by Prestige Spa III. Sun Burst, b. c, by Prestige Diamond Crescent.