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Royal Onyx, 9-5, Won was yesterdays Occasional. 16 winners in past 24 starts is our record. During this period we never had more than one consecutive loser. Furthermore, our record for past 70 starts since May 1, 1030 is 34 Winners, 13 Seconds, 11. Thirds and 18 Losers, including such nice ones as Al Muller, 8-1, Won; Syzygy, 8-1, Won; Molesey, 5-1, Won; Tim Pippin, 4-1, Won; Falcada, 7-2. Won; Oriental Pearl, 14-5, Won; Aldrian, 13-5, Won; Eschau, 5-2, Won; My Gal, 5-2, Won; Idleweiss, 5-2, Won, etc., etc. Terms: for Five Starters. Get in at" once. They do not come every day. but average two or three a week. Yesterdays Form Special. Dargin, 6-5, Won. Yesterdays One-Horse Daily Won. MONDAYS SPECIAL: No. 775 in Book 322. THE TURF REPORTER Room 312. 59 Dearborn Street. Chicago. III. Oakland ! Oakland ! OCCASIONAL LOST. PATRONS GET MY NEXT OCCASIONAL FREE. February 3: GODFATHER 11-2 WON January 31: OCCASIONAL LOST. January 28: DARGIN 6-1 WON January 26: OCCASIONAL WITHDRAWN. January 23: TWICKENHAM G-l WON Wired my patrons for a plunge bet. POSITIVELY the only horses sent my patrons the past two weeks. MY NEXT OCCASIONAL S I have Three Good Things for Next Week, but I do not know the exact days they go. Look for Wire any day except Monday. Get your Subscription in early and you will be in on anything that goes over. k S2.00 ONE A DAY. NO MORE .00 GUARANTEED TO WIN OR NEXT ONE FREE UTIL YOU GET A WINNER. Ex-Jockey Marshall, Initials E. J. Room C5, 92 La Salle Street, :: Chicago, 111. Winning Information FROM JACKSONVILLE RACE TRACK. My connections enable me to send out exclusive Winning Information from this track. I do not wire every day. but wait for extra good ones, probably two or three horses a week. This information I will send to reliable parties who will send me a share of their winnings. If interested send self-addressed envelope for personal reply. JAMES BRADLEY Room 56, 111 Nassau St., New York CHARLES T. ESSIG, EXPERT HANDICAPPER. formerly with the Intcr-Oeean and Chicago Daily News. For any one who is a form student, the best "form ever published." mailsd so it will reach destination bv first delivery in morning in cities within a radius or 250 miles of Chicago. TERMS. .50 PER WEEK. 11 East Monroe St. bank floor, Chicago. SUMMERFIELD and ESSIG CIGAR STORE. Rhone, Long Distance 0104 Central. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 59 Plymouth Court. : : : : Chicago, III. - "WIN!" "WIN!" "Read Every Word." This means "You" and it means "Success." I have not studied the "Racing Problem" ten years for nothing. I have just completed my "New Winner Picker System." I will say that it is the "Greatest Money Getter" that 1 have seen in my ten years ex-perlence and it is strictly for "Handbook" play. It is strictly a "One Horse" system and is played strictly to "Win." "Here is my Proposition." Send M. 0, 2.50 and with your order promise to send me 82.50 each week until you have paid me 0, whieh is no price at all for this system. Upon rect of .50 the complete system will be promptly sent and I will take your word for the balance, and if you do not liud my "New Winner Picker System" the greatest "Winner Picker" you have ever seen, and if it does not make you a "Winner" and keep you a "Winner" then 1 will refund your money. "Its Very Simple requires no figuring and it is for "Flat Bet Handbook Play" and it is not a "Favorite" system. 1 know my business ami you will know yours when you get this "New Winner Picker System." "Special Notice" "No Attention" at all to communications from anyone old or new subscribers unless M. O. .50 is enclosed, and an agreement to pay the balance if the system is found to be just as represented. If yon want to "Win" then "Write Today." Address WM. H. SUTTON, Chemist, 2651 Orchard Ave., :: Los Angeles, Cal. "TO WIN!1 and to "WIN" only, thats the wav to play the SlTRE WINNER SYSTEM, nothing else. 1 have only one system and I sell only one system, and thats the SCItE WINNER SYSTEM, the "GREATEST" money-making system ever discovered. I sell it under a "GlAUANTEI" to make you "WIN" and win steadily. You cannot help but WIN when vou have my system. It gets the money day after day. I "GUARANTEE" to take S25 canltal with my system and beat any HANDBOOK. Its simply "GREAT SlORT" to play when you know you have a svstem that beats them. I am oflVriug you th" "SIMPLEST" and "GREATEST" playing system that lias ever been offered you. Why not. try iti It gives you an entirely NEW idea in playing the races. It costs you nothing to try it. Send for it and prove all I say by records before you bet, and If not found as represented I will refund you the money. REMEMI.ER, I will on request of my clients raise the price of iny system in the near future. System sent on receipt of .0. G. E. PALLEN, G5 Maple Street, :: :: :: Chicago, 111. SUREGET, 7 1, 2ND was yesterdays Daily Wire. Yesterdays Form Special lost. Yesterdays Occasional, Third Rail, 7-2, second. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 130. national Racing Review, Chicago KILLING ! at Jacksonville next Saturday. This information comes direct from the owner. We have had winners from the same people- ami we are going lo gel an other next Saturday, February 31- The odds will be good. Information .00, Send your mail orders early. Will send telegram at 2 a. in., so you will have plenty of time to make your be Is. AUG. ENGELHARDT, 419 Wells Street, :: :: :: Chicago, 111. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Yesterdays Form Special. Roy Junior. 7-1, second. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: May Peach 26-30-G0-35-51-23.12-lC-2t-12-33. Yesterdays Two-Horse Daily gave a third anil a loser. Yesterdays OeeasKmal was scratched.