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TELEGRAPHIC FORM. The horses which .seem best in Saturdays races are: Jamestown Norfolk, Va., April 7. " 1 Naughty Rose, Auto Maid, Doodle Dandy. 2 Merry Man, Nick o Time, Black Bridge. 3 Capsize, Monty Fox, Ariteuor. 4 The Nigger, Aldrian. Guv Fisher. 5 Rye Straw, Sea Cliff, Fort Worth. tl Pete, Colonel Ashmeade, Royal Onyx. T. K. Lynch. Xupfriari Park Pcnsacola, Fla., April 7. 1 "Black Domino, Floy Battle. Inspired. 2 Bat Mastcrson, Chanate, Regards. 3 Sanctlm. B. M. Rebo. Lois Cavanagh. 4 Sweet Owen, Chess, San Gil. i Allowmaise, Clysmic, Tamar. J. L. Dempscy.