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MORE NAMES FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS, Since the recent publication of the list of names of two-year-olds registered with the Jockey Club, the following additional registrations have been recorded: Betsy Banks, ch. f. by Orlando Ida Led ford. Ruckhorn, b. e. by Broomstick -Thirty-third. Chapala. b. f. by .Sir Dixon Breakwater. Cloud Chief, b. e. by Star Shoot Lady Elite. Delusion II.,. It. f, by Hamburg Elusive. Dollallolla. b. f. by Ypsilanti II. Dolores III. Evening Star II.. b. c. by Hamburg Vespers. Inlan. eh. e, by Star Shoot Outcome YJeiinle Dale, ch. f, by Oriniar Resignation. . Lluly JIcGee. b. f. by JlcGoe The Lady. Paradise II.. ch. f. by Adam liandspun. Perversity II., eh. f. by Hamburg --Perverse. York Lad, br. c, by Yorksldre Lad Addle.