Mr. Belmonts Horses in England: Merry Tasks Good Race in the London Cup-Two of His Rock Sand Colts Promise Well, Daily Racing Form, 1911-07-23


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MR. BELMONTS HORSES IK ENGLAND. Merry Tasks Good Race in the London Cup Two of His Rock Sand Colts Promise Well. London, Eng., July 10. It fell to the lot of August Belmont to score his first considerable success of the present racing season when his staying colt. Merry Task, won the London Cup at the recent Alexander Park meeting. Merry Task was the top-weight of the race with 120 pounds to carry, but this was offset by the fact that he was ridden by Danny Malicr and, under his masterly guidance, had little trouble in winning by two lengths from J. Ed-wardes mare Anchora, US pounds, with It. Mills Ayrshire Chely colt third. There were ten starters, of which Protestant Uoy, 117 pounds, was favorite at o to 1!. It was 11 to 2 against Merry Task. The net value of the race was ,39u. Mr. Belmonts two-year-old filly Toggery has won two races in smart style, but neither was of any value. Toggervs three-year-old sister, Sandwich, has been badly beaten in all of her starts this year, but is rnwrtcd to be on the improving list and may presently do something worthy of her excellent reputation last year. It may be mentioned that in Black Itock and Monotone Mr. Belmont owns two Itock Sand colts of high private reputation and Black Rock is expected to make his appearance in public before long, with every prospect of improving the fortunes of the stable. Ho is a shapely black colt bv Itock Sand Black Poplar, Monotone being a big bav out of Lady Margaret. II. P. Whitneys luck has been of the worst so far this year, but the present hot weather seems congenial to his horses and of late they seem to be thriving and improving. Particularly is this true of his Middle Park Plate winner. Borrow, which was for a long time thin and lacking in muscle and strength because of sickness last winter. Recently lie has been filling out and building up perceptibly and in his work moves with a measure of dash and freedom betokening winning races in the fall campaign. Of the other horses in the stable Whisk Broom is the only one so far able to be of much service and this fast colt is quite distinctly in robust health and at bis best, but the two-year-olds liave all proved disappointments. Itichard Waugh, the well-known trainer, will be leaving Germany next December for Totis, where, savs Deutscher Sport, he will take up an engagement as private trainer to Count Arthur Henckel. For a quarter of a century Waugh stood in the forefront of his profession as trainer to the Royal Gra-tWz Stud, and for the last few years has been highly successful as a public trainer. By his engagement- with Count Arthur Henckel Waugh is reviving old traditions, for bis father, the late James Waugh, of Newmarket, trained for the counts father, Count Hugo Henckel, with conspicuous success in the seventies. . ,, , Clonbern, the half-brother to Orby. the Derby winner, ran a most ungenerous race in the Linglield Park Stakes this week. From the start he sulked, and. settling down last, finished in that ignoble twsitlon, so there was seemingly reason for running him in a hood. . . , , Forfeit has been declared for W K. Vandcrbilts Slightly in the Ostein! Grand Criterium, her owner having decided to run the filly at Sandowu Park m the National Breeders Produce Stakes, wherer she will be the mount of ONeill. At the Bibury Club meeting a bet of 300 to 200 on was accepted about Sunstar and King William coupled for the St. Leger. It is reported that Airman, a thrcc-year-old gelding bv Avrshirc Lady Alwyne, the property of his majesty, has been sold to W. Mumford, and that the horse will be sent to India. Lord Derby is now a good second to .1. B. Joel in the list of winning owners and if Swynford wins the Eclipse Stakes at S.mdown Park this week, will press him close for the leadership, if lie does not quite gain It. This is a situation hardly thought of a month ago and is due to the excellent racing of Swvnford and Stedfast. To date the owners who have won ?10,000 or more are: Wins Races Amount Owner. Horses. Won. Won. J: B. Joel i 10 0S,025 IOrd Drby i S 3Sli C. B. Howard 3 5 41,03a E. Hulton 7 7 ::i,432 L. de Rothschild 12 17 31,310 J- A. de Rothschild 4 " 28,350 W. Brodrick Clootc 2 2 25.410 Lord Durham 10 13 23,367 Lord Howard de Waldeu ... 5 0 18.S7.". Lord Rosebery ! 10 1S.H40 C Hibbert X lf 17,iiS.- J. R. Kecne 4 5 17.415 T. Baring 2 5 1G,373 W. M. J. Singer 4 4 15,410 Sir W. Cooke 1 15,040 J. IV Hallick 2 0 14.S25 Mr. Fairie 3 3 14.312 Sol Joel 3 i 14,250 Maj. B. Loder 1 1 13,750 G. Edwardes 10 1G 13.K05 p. Nelke 7 11 13.C60 J. Buchanan 0 0 13.633 Sir G. Murray 1 1 13.250 A. F. Basset 2 4 ll.SSO Lord Carnarvon 4 0 11,805 II. P. Whitney 10 11,290 Sir R. W. Gritlith 4 0 10.S10 Baron G. Springer 2 S 10.010 Swynrords defeat of Lomberg in the Princess of Wales Stakes at the Newmarket First July meeting had the effect of elevating him to third place in the list of winning horses of this year. In case that he wins the Eclipse Stakes he will by the end of this week probably be in first place. Last year the Eclipse netted Lembergs owner .1,850. A similar sum added to what Swynford lias already won would give him a total in excess of that now to the credit of Sunstar and depose the latter from his present supremacy. At present the sums to the credit of the horses which have won 0,000 or more are: Races Amount Horse and pedigree. Won. Won. Sunstar, br. c, 3, by Sundridge Dorla. 3 1,400 Horse and pedigree. Won. Won. Win- Races Amount WHlonyx, br. c, 4, by William the Third Tribonyx 3 0,375 Swynford, br. c, 4, by John o Gaunt Canterbury Pilgrim 3 30,305 Cherimoya, b. f, 3, by Cherry Tree Svelte 1 21,750 Atmah. b. f, 3, by Galeazzo Mrs. Kendal 1 23.000 Stedfast, eh. c, 3, by Cliaucer Be Sure 2 17,125 Hornets Beauty, b. g, 3, by Tredennis Hornet 0 15,010 Bannockburn, b. c, 3, by Forfarshire Rouge 5 14,325 Knockfeerna, br. f, 3, by Desmond Adnla 1 13,750 Sunder, ch. c, 4, by Sundridge Divorce Court 4 13,250 Bachelors Double, ch. h, 5, by Tredennis Lady Bawn 1 13,250 Marajax, b. c, 4, by Ajax Mary Sea-ton 1 12.S50 Lady Americus, b. f, 2, by Americus r Palotta .-. 2 12,837 Mushroom, b. or br. c, 3, by Common Quick 3 12.750 Brown colt, 2, by Sundridge Doris 2 11,950 Freebooter, br. c, 3, by Fariman Ex- cellenza 2 11.S25 Prince San, b. c, 3, by Santoi Regime 3 11.170 Moscato, ch. h, 5, by Marco Collaret. 1 10,000 Notwithstanding last weeks largo number of races about seventy todays table of the principal winning stallions has not been subjected to a great deal of alteration. The most conspicuous advance was effected by Fariman, and, curiously enough, the latters sire re-appears in the list following an absence of over a month. Farinians most recent winners are .Miss Elsie, Freebooter and Nesta. Sundridge lias not moved since last Monday, but still lie is a long way ahead of the field, but the prolific Desmond is drawing nearer to William the Third. The other positions remain pretty much as before, and arc as follows: Sire. Foaled. Pedigree. Wins. Won. Sundridge 1S9S, by Amphion Sierra, , by Springfield C 0S,50 William the Third 1S98, by St. Simon Gravity, by Wisdom 7 52.S30 Desmond 1890. by St. Simon LAb- besse de .Touarrc. by Trappist 1G 4S.2G2 Tredennis 1898, by Kendal St. Marguerite, by Hermit 8 37,570 Cherry Tree 1S91, by Hampton Cherry, by Sterling G 34.2S2 St. Frusquin 1S93. by St. Simon-Isabel, by Plebeian II 12 34,013 John oGaunt 1891, by Isinglass La Fleclie, by St. Simon 4 33,950 Cyllene 1S95, by Bona Vista Arcadia, by Isonomv 12 32,485 Fariman 1900, by Gallinule Belli- zona, by Necromancer 9 28,905 Galeazzo 1S93, by Galopin Eira, by Kisber 3 2G,1S5 Forfarshire 1897. by Royal Hampton St. Elizalieth, by St. Simon 7 24.GS5 Persimmon 1S93. dead, by St. Simon Perdita II., by Hampton .... 11 24,410 Santoi 1S97, by Queens Birthday Merry Wife, by Merry Hampton S 19,400 Marco 1S92, by Barcaldint Novitiate, by Hermit S 18,330 Chaucer 1900, by St. Simon Canterbury Pilgrim, by Tristan 3 18,305 Americus 1S92, by Emperor of Norfolk Clara D., by Glenelg 5. 18,277 Gallinule 1SS4. by Isonomy Moorhen, by Hermit 11 10,222 Symington 1S93. by Ayrshire Sipho- nia, by St. Simon S 15,572 No change of moment has taken place in the positions f of the jockeys and the riding record is now: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.O. Maher, D 252 59 40 32 121 23.41 Woolton. F 31S 55 03 59 141 17.29 Trigg, C 322 53 42 31 19t! 15.14 Saxby. W 120 30 13 2ft 52 25.00 Rickaby, F 19t 30 20 23 123 15.30 Donoghue, S 239 2i 29 25 159 10.S7 Piper, E 190 24 21 32 113 12.03 Clark. J. :..139 23" 13 20 S3 10.09 Huxley, W 195 23 24 18 130 11.79 Fox. F 229 22 20 17 1G4 9.00 Winter, F 141 21 17 1 S7 14. S.0 Iliggs, W 152 21 20 24 S7 13.S1 Ringstead, C 20S 19 23 28 13S 9.13 Tcmpleman, F 1G4 17 11 14 122 10.25 Martin. J. H 137 15 17 21 SI 10.01 j

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