untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1912-07-13


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YOU MUST GET WINNERS If you wish to suc ¬ ceed NO SYSTEM OR METHOD successful unless you get winners winnersM M D MILLER MILLERoperating operating successfully for fifteen years as Owner Trainer Bookmaker and Handicapper can send sendValuable Valuable Advance Information InformationONE ONE OR TWO SELECTIONS EACH DAY Arrangements can be made for all races Among those I will send coming week are two prospective long shots both reliable ruco horse now in Dink of condition Both should win at once probably repeatedly My repeatedlyMy terms for week are 1000 500 for 2 days daysand and will then take 500 for balance of week weekK K emit by telegraph or anv express company NO companyNO MAIL MAILHurry Hurry subscription and get my cypher code M D MILLER Detroit Mich Michcare care Hotel Ste Clair ClairMy My selections will be liled daily with publisher ot Daily Racing Form FormSPECIAL SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTSaturdays Saturdays prospective winner of the steeplechase will be given every subscriber also the iiaint f Hie rider who thinks ho will win and the trainer who iHjlieves he has the best horse in the race The betting odds will be liberal All telegrams will be sent to subscribers as soou as remittance is rccelvtil in plain English subsequently in cypher code which code will be forwarded without delay SPECIAL NOTICE TO DETROIT SUBSCRIBERS SUBSCRIBERSMy My specials delivered at any address in Windsor or Detroit without extra charge or may be bad on application Room 157 Ste Claire Hotel take ele ¬ vator or telephone

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912071301/drf1912071301_6_11
Local Identifier: drf1912071301_6_11
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800