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OLD TROPHY BROUGHT TO LIGHT. London. Ei,g.. January 17. ~A man attending the auction sale at the man-ion ,.f |]„- la! • Sir Edward Buckley at Hie Plas. Disss Mawddwv. North Wales. purchased what was apparently a bronae vase rot |i8. Noticing patches of 1 white naetal beneath Hie bronae. the buyer applied the acid test, whereupon the bronae eaate otr. revealing a beautifully designed v..-o ,, -..|d and silver. The pre-eiit Baronet. Sir Edward liiukle.v. on Is 1 ring o|- 1I1. dise.. en. inspected I be vase and loiiiid ii to lie the Chester fun. won in 1S12 by his father, with the fouFyesi old Alice Hawthorn.