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Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, January IS WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK SLOW. 0 — — o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I entries below show the best time of each horse I at the distance, since January 1. 1911. no matter | where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbro-viations show track conditions. o- , _o Racing starts at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time. 3:13. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maiden. * Apprentice allowance. First Race— 3-8 Mile. 2 year olds. Maidens. Special Weights. •.Its and Geldings. Tnck record: 87195 — Mt%— 2— 14W. tad. ii me. Wt. Re... A.wi.iian. MP Manganese IM :381k U3..723 998? Hyk, no :30% 1M..713 3999. Brevity 1ili :.»» -. MM. .715 • .s.-,.-, Korfbage Hf» :::7;, 109. .675 iSoo Benedict 112 :." 7: 112..o77i Raw. 1. g. by Withers — Goldeu Harvest 109 Sir Ha try. eh. c, by General Roberta-Motto 112 Meshaeh. In. •. bv Atkins — hick adee 112 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. .! year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: S.;i2.;— 1 :110— 2— lOC.i 8873 Descendant MM 1:13% 1x710 8873 Sadie Shapiro lor, 1:13% 4 103X703 WW Aragonese ll© 1:13% 5 liiiiTiH 9932 Debutante 115 1:10% :; 88x00.1 »i77:: Freewill 1111:1:;--, 4 103. .885 8873 King Radford Mi. M 1:13% :: :k . . ;; .-, H847* King Karl Mi 4100X800 aSOl Bred well 113 1:13% 4 105. .60S awn Baden M n«»i:iij 4 105. .090 •■7 1 s. v. Rousa iMi..ior» 1:1C% 5 108. .090 listil .lolly Tar 31 117 1:10% 3 ML .0*5 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-jrear-oida and upward. selling. i Track record : 83033—1 : 11 %— 2—108. i iul. Bone. wt. Bee A.wuian. BlOo Helicon 117 1:14-. ti 111x715 68B2 Kin- Stalwart 108 1:13% :: !t7 711 88841 Rasaey 104 1:14% r 188. .710 6802 Crex 187 1:14% 5 108x705 0880 Jack Kills 108 1:14% 4 115.. 705 8877 Bobby Oook 110 1:13a 7 108.. 705 6804 Oscero 102 1:14% 5 108x7"5 8853* Highland chief M118 1:10% 5 198. .873 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. Track Acord: 93623—1:11% -2—108. 6881« Aemnen 113 1:13% 8 115X715 t;vl * swede Sam 112 1:13 s 110x710 6884 Orbed Lad 103 1:13% 7 118. .710 8893** Gold Point 105 1:14% 4 88 1 5 SS75 Mazurka 1011:14--. :t 100x705 0877 Gelico 193 1:13% 6 108X703 6888 I.ady Willie 105 1:15-, 5 113. .798 89090 Rio Peeoa 108 1:12% t; iosx700 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile, "-year-olds and upward. Soiling. Track record: 83023 — 1:11% — 2 — 106. 6838 FEATHER DUSTER M 1:13% 5 112©72i 6893 Miss Jean lO.s 1:13% 4 1070720 688B3 Oakland 88 l:12f-; 4 100x715 0883 Parlor Bo; KM! 1:13 5 108x715 6883 Lady Maiy 107 112--. 5 lo:;x710 6882 Love Day 198 1:13% 4 198X710 6842 Milt Jones 10!l 1 : 1 4 ■-. 6 109x705 0871 Suffragist 198 1:13% i 111.. 705 Sixth Race— 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 1334— 1:37%— 4— UB. B8393 Bosevale 108 1:49% 7 1038725 .s!:l Kye White lot; 1:38% 8 10CX720 687Z* Black Mate 195 1:39% 9 195X720 6881 Prlaceaa Industry.. 5 103x715 Lehigh 82 1:41% 4 199X715 6872 Shorn Nortbcut ..106 1:40 5 186x715 f..Hil Don Bbrtque in; i:u-- :i 103 71- 6881 lift 104 1:47-. u 4 100x715 68U4J Bonnie Hard 105 1:40% :t 105©71o 6851 Little Marchniont.. 108 1:39% 6 105..71O 8889 Lescar ios 1:41% 5 108©705 i — — — — — — — — .. , _______ The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the raccTj ihe small figure under "Fin. —unless the horse won— shows the number of lengths the horse was I behind the winner. Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. ™ — — — — /