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LEXINGTON MEETING ENDS WAS MOST SUCCESSFUL IN THE HISTORY OF THE KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION Imperator Wins the Valuable Breeders Futurity for forJ J N Camden with John Gund Second and andBrigs Brigs Brother Third Lexington Ky May S The Kentucky Associa ¬ tions spring meeting of eleven days begun In the rain and under most inauspicious weather and track conditions ended this afternoon in glorious sunshine and with every one officials owners trainers jockeys and the racing patrons in general saying lliat it was undoubtedly the most successful meet ¬ ing from every standpoint in the history of the association associationFinancially Financially It was much more successful than was hoKd for by the officials after the bad weather break at the beginning In fact the earnings were larger than at any previous meeting The racing was clean nnd of a high order throughout In every department there was order an l perfection of man ¬ agement Captain Thomas J Clay the presiding judge Garret t I Wilson the secretary and asso ¬ ciate judge William II Shelley the racing secre ¬ tary handieapper and associate judge Harry Alor lissey the starter James 1 Ross the superintend ¬ ent of the track arid grounds Gene El rod the manager of the betting ring W H Laudeman supervisor of the parfmntuels John T Ireland patrol judge John Walsh paddock judge ami president Catesby Woodford Secretary G D Wil ¬ son and Messrs H L Jhiker Overtoil H Chenault and Hal Price I lead ley the executive committee are collectively and individually to be congratulated iiM n the success of the undertaking undertakingThe The fourth running of the Breeders Futurity was the feature of the racing this afternoon and there wns a splendid and highly representative crowd out to see it The race was at live furlongs aud had a gross value of SS55 in addition to i silver cup There were fourteen stsirterst of which Johnson N Caindens chestnut gelding Imperator by Peter Quince Sparkle trained by J O Keene and ridden by Jockey Bryan Steele was the favorite and the winner Imperator number one on the program and number eleven in position at the post broke quickly as the barrier went up to a start that bad a ragged appearance and was iu front the entire way winning easily under his 115 pounds in 100 which equaled the track record made by Hoxara as a twoyoar olil with 102 pounds up in lOOfi lOOfiThe The second horse was John Uund a brown colt by Peep oDay My Gyps bred by John S Barbee owned by Jobu B McLaughlin Dan W Scott H L Baker and Auvil Baker and trained by the latter He was among the last to get away and ran an excellent race Brigs Brother a chestnut geld ¬ ing by Cunard Ella Smith bred and owned by E H Bradley and trained by Cliff Hammon was third while John MacGinniss was fourth thereby saving bis starting fee of 150 The Norman from the stable of T C McDowell while running w ll up 1n the first flight near the half mile post stumbled went down and unseated jockey Glass who escaped without a scratch The colt also wasnot injured This meetingJohnson was the only spill during the meeting Johnson N Camden detained in the oast on business could not see the gelding of bis own breeding score his triumph his third iu as many starts today but trainer Keene accepted the beau ¬ tiful vaseshaped silver trophy for him and had it Jilled to the brim quite three gallons with wine and the health of all who bad starters in the race and the success of the turf was drunk by many who gathered round at Mr Keenes invitation invitationTliis Tliis marked the second successive victory for Mr Camden in the race likewise for trainer Kecne who saddled the Ciimden gelding Helios in the Breeders Futurity of last year Imperator won today with decidedly more ease than did Helios last year and he appears to be a better racing tool He is the first of the get of Peter Quince iind it really seems a pity that he is unsexed though after all he may prove to be no more than i snrlnter Thus far however he acts like a stayer The money was divided 55550 to the winner SI Ml to the second horse 82050 to the third 150 to the fourth 250 to J N Camden as nom ¬ inator of the winner 150 to John S Barbee as nominator of the second horse and 100 to E H Bradley as nominator of the third horse horseThe The opening race was easy for the oddson favor He Wllhlte running in the name and colors of W H Huckner trainer for W G Yankc Hillv Holder did the leading until Loftus got ready to send Wilhlte to the front tt rover Hughes resentful over 1lu unsnstalned charges that Vanke bad made against him in connection with the claiming of Swish by Owen Glass bid up the winner to 700 in advance of 00 and he was protected by the owner by the customary 5 additional additionalThe The second race was won by II Price Headleys Pebeco from Caution which came witli a rush Into second place after she found clear sailing Joe Morris making bis first start of the year was re ¬ garded as best in the mile handicap and he led to the top of the stretch where Princess Callnway overtook him and he beat him out in a driving lltllsh running the mile In l576 only twofifths ol i second slower than the track record Just Rei won the fifth race easily and Bonanza accounted for Ilie closing Iash in the same way wayIene Iene El rod and his competent crow of parinvutue ticket sellers cashiers calculators money counters and iifllcc men left for Ix uisville by a special traiu tonight at eight oclock oclockStarter Starter Harry Alorrissey will go to Louisville Saturday morning to witness the Derby and wll then go east to remain aliout a month before lie begins his engagements on the InterMountain cir ¬ cuit He will start the races for the Hose Tree Hunt Club at Philadelphia May 37 The work of Alor rlissey was one of the features of the meeting He never fined or suspended a IKIV during the eleven ilays and he unquestionably lias a great future as n starter starterWill Will Shelley and Tames Ross carried the burden of the work in the preparation for this meeting am they wore congratulated on every hand for the snc iess achieved in their respective departments departmentsBefore Before fhe meeting began Captain Thomas J Tay called all of the riders l efore him and thanket them for their cooperation in the maintenance o lean sK rt Hide honestly and fairly said Judge lay and you will also always be given praise and get on splendidly splendidlyA A special train consisting of sis cars of racers nnd accommodation for their attendant left this morning for Louivlllc flhd carried a majority of the liorsos that will engage in the racing at Churchill Downs on the opening day