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SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 93722 112 r 124 AMBROSE b c 3 107 107OW3 By Disguise Ambrosine Greentree Stable OW3 Jamestown 5i f l07g fast 10 ill 7 7C571 7 7 G3 62 Butwell 9 Itosturtlum Tarts Gcnesta C571 Jamestown 51 f l07ji fast 5 112 1 1tilfiS 2 1 I1 2 Butwell S Federal ClothesIJrusli Strennou1 tilfiS Pimlico 34 l15g hvy 10 93 5 5C393 2 2 2l 1 Ambrose 11 Cadeau Uobt Bradley StarGaze C393 Pimlico 34 114 fast 165 97 3 3GOSS 1 1 lk 2 5 Ambrose 12 Kingly Slim Princess TWalser GOSS Laurel 5i f 1104 slow 4 112 5 5 3 3 3s Butwell 12 FFairy PhyllJsAntoinette Cogs 5922 Laurel 5i f 108 fast 21 114 3 35S01 1 2 2 25 Butwell S Afterglow Burgeois Belray 5S01 Laurel 5i f 1OS fast 5 114 4 4LITTLE 1 1 21 3 = Butwell 12 Exton Malmbah Afterglow LITTLE JUPITER b g 3 107 By Hastings Queen of Trent S Ross 8057 Pimlico 34 llG fast 3710 107 7 3 1 ink 2U Butwell 12 Ilryuary Bryn Fairv Godmother 110 PipsUock 34 114 fast G 127 3 3G105 8 S S1 9 W Allen 9 Panklmrst H Prynnc Verdurn G105 HdeGrace 58 1021 hvy 4 107 1 1 2 3 4 ° Schutger 0 Continental Uingling Ins Man 5036 HdcGrace 55 f 106 fast 15 103 7 74S93 4 G f 5 T Davies 11 Striker Ringling Chilton King 4S93 HdeGrace 5i f 103 mud S5 104 4 445SS 5 3 3 1 Schufger 11 GStoll FattyGrub Mary Ann K 45SS HdeGrace 5S 1011 fast 6 104 11 8 6 13H14 Ferguson 14 Progressive Bh of Keys Crisco 3502 Fort Erie 5S 101 J fast 6 109 7 6 G 51 3s Schutger 12 Lysander Gerrard Phew 3103 Fort Erie 58101 fast 7 105 7 4 3 21 2 Schutger 12 Benanet Flabbergast Ch Bell 3095 Hamilton 51 f lft fast 30 104 4 3 3 3 2 J Robson 4 Tartar Sand Vale Lohengrin 2306 Pimlico oS 1011 fast 6 107 6 6WATER 2 1 3 45J Schutger 6 E Light C o the Walk Brash BrashBy WATER WELLES ch g 5 112 By Dick Welles Parisiehne Mrs W H Frey 7779 Jamesfwn 5 f l0a good 4 0f 2 1 1 I1 3 = 1 Xathan 7 Cutie B Marsand Joe Gaiteus 7731 Jamestown 31 115 fast 10 111 1 16G5S 11 I3 2l Troxler 10 CI Chief Heretic Rubia Granda 6G5S Hillcrest Ab5S 59J fast 10 114 44 E Grltlin 7 Fundamental JSarette Nila 5593 Hillcrest A15S 59i fast 2 115 115r471 5J E Grillin G Leialoha Miss Jean Carissima r471 Hillcrest Ab58 102 hvy 4 117 I1 E Griffin 10 Miss Dtilin Bursar Carrillon 535 Toronto 34 116 slop 25 114 3 2 G 12 121 lSniall 12 Detroit BofPleasurc Fanl Hall 5193 Dufferin Ab5S 102 fast 1 115 3 2 I3 I3 F Jackson fi J Mallndy IMiilopcna J Milton 5103 Dufferin Ab3S 102J fast 3 115 2 2HORACE 3 2 = 21 Droyer 0 Sea Swell Adriuche Dr Hollis HollisBy HORACE Ch e 9 H7 By Bannockburn Miss Lynah R L Johnson 7939 HdeGrace 3 l145fast 40 107 10 5 S 3nt 3 J C Turner 10 Edith Inez Patrick S Spin 7879 HdeGrace 34 l16slow 50 112 5 57S50 5 4 4 47J Ford 7 Blue Thistle Ch Queen ChSeed 7S50 HdeGrace S4 115 fast 30 113 7 77SOG 7 10 llni12 Forehand 12 Agnier Star Gift Baythorn 7SOG HdeGrace 34 115 fast 50 111 1 7 7 71 810lFord 11 Fred Livy Garry Star Gift 7719 Mboro AbCi f 129 hvy 6 105 105MAGAZINE 513 Killwth S Rl Ouyx Lord Wells Haldeman MAGAZINE b g 8 120 By Mazagan Pink Rose P M Walker 7197 Pimlico 34 lI3sfast 4 Utij 2 4 5 S ° Sii Butwell 9 Towton Field Y Bov Futurity 7502 HdeGrace 34 117 mud 75 115 1 17SCG 3 1 1s 2h A Mthews 9 Fred Levy Toniata Sprvicence 7SCG HdeGrace 34 l14 fast 10 115 4 5 3 1 S3 A Mthewsia Ardelon Lad of Langden Spin 7804 HdeGrace 5i f l07VSfast 100 110 4 477S3 3 2 4J 6el A Mthews 0 Azyiade Altamaha Tarts 77S3 HdeGrace 58102 good 50 133 8 6 5 4nt 643 A Mthews S Double Five Moncrcif BlkChief 6490 Pimlico 34 1154 good 4 118 6 4 T 2J 3J Killwth 11 lima The Busybody Rose Queen 6469 PJmlico 34 116 hvy 135 117 9 6 64 64C2J9 4 5 55 McCahey 10 MsOCnell MMbmts Berkeley C2J9 Laurel 34 1 14 fast 50 111 9 8 85 85CJ09 5 6t 4Z Killwtu 12 Seneca Chemulpo Ven Strome CJ09 Laurel 51 f 111 hvy 5 103 G 3 33 3361GS 3 44 41 Teahan 9 Chemulpo Madman Ochre Court 61GS Laurel 51 f 1111 hvy 85 107 2 5 53 53HERMIS 3 2t 34j Tcahaa 15 Cardiff Toddling Heretic HereticBv HERMIS JR ch c 4 112 Bv Hermis Heritance J J Korb 7993 Pimlico 34 115 fast fid 107 5 1 11 11C619 1 I1 22 Montbur 14 S Princess Arran B Daylight C619 Jamestown 34 1164 slop 15 102 1 1 11 11TOM 1 2t 412 Skirvin 9 Toddling R II Gray Dustpan DustpanBy TOM HOLLAND b e 7 112 By Planudes Flying Girl G E Bruner 8029 Pimlico 34113 fast laS 111 u 4 4 C 515JAlex Aldcliarau Textile Stentor StentorG 3535 Fort Eric 51 f 106 fast 15 101 4 6 9 91C5 S1 710JWolf 12 Eagle Bird Bettie Sue Toy Boy 1C5 Fort Erie 1 138 fast 100 105 2 1 2 4 5s 4JLounsby 0 Granite Edda Buckhorn 3118 Mrlboro AbaS 102 slow 2 117 7 6 66 6 5 4J D Murphy 7 Toniata Gift Smirk 3070 Mrlboro Ab5S 101 fast G 103 5 2 22 22299S 2 23 23 Pickens 7 BMasterson Smirk ELeBrume 299S Marlboro 41 f 53 fast 3 113 3 3 35 5 5t 5 J Pickens 7 Galinda Smirk Fond 2907 Marlboro 61 f 132J hvy 95 112 2 1 1 1 1s I4 Pickens 7 Sir Edward Top Rock S Weller WellerBy AVIATOR br J 5 112 112777C By Broomstick Lizzie T R I Miller 777C Jamesn 1 116 l51 imud 95 102 5 G 6 C C7762JnirvstoTTi 4s 47 Bobbins 7 O Em Heretic Mollie S 7762JnirvstoTTi 34 l15good 6 103 1 5 C 51 543 Robbms S Font York Lad Camellia 7727 Jamestown 3 l14fast 7 lift 4 3 34 4 5 78J Troxler B Dipper R Message Dble Five 7699 Jamestown 34 l14fast 4 107 5 4 44 4 4io 473 Montonr 7 Futueroln Rye Straw RMcssage 7630 Jamestown 34 l14fast 12 105 6 89 89G59 899 Sl Halsey 9 Tarts Warbler lloffiuan G59 Jamestown 34 l14fast S lOt 4 2 22 22I5GS 2 I1 I1 A Fergusn 9 Coppertown SBlaise Monty Fox I5GS Jamestown 34 114 fast 1 1U 1 11 1111 1JJ A Fersusnl2 Berkeley Fathcrola Rubicon II 3411 Btimore Ai 58 5SV fast 31 109 2 2 24 24OUR 4 21 2 = Fbrother 0 LordWells FirstAid M Moments MomentsBy OUR NUGGET ch m G 110 By Ornament Ollie Belle T Woods 7739 Mlmoro Ab7S 1 S slow S 100 Pi Pulled up Cliappell S Letourno Casque Miss Primity 7725 Marlboro 58 lOHifast 1 107 62 Cliappell 8 Fanchette Racing Bell Galinda 7079 Marlboro 5S l01hvy 12 llu 5J Chappell 7 P Worth R Bell Miss Primity 7658 Marlboro 51 f 108 fast 12 102 1024fiSl Gl V Adams 7 Premier Otilo Horace E 4fiSl Pimlico 34 115 fast 2 102 43 Moody 9 GoldenCastle Dissenter Henotlc 4610 Btimore Ab7S 1273 good 0 10S 2 1 1 1 1 1 Moody 7 G Castle Louise Welles Rose F 1322 Baltimore 34 1161 good 2 118 4 1 11 11O 1 2 2s Pickett 4 Grania Oberon Court Jester O UBUSTER b S 5 112 By Russell Madame Hindoo W D Althouso 7885 HdeGce Im70yl47slow 0 107 5 1 3 o o7S03 512 Bobbins S Mary Ann K Stairs Font 7S03 HdeGrace 58 l00fast 100 IIS C 66 1 712 Troxler 7 Tartar Joe Knight Lysamler KM Tamest n 1 116 118 fast 30 101 6 10 10 10 10 10 McCahey 12 Ches Krum Oakhurst Pardner Pardnercxn cxn Pimlico Im70y 147 hvy 20 102 7 G 7 7 7 10 7 79 Ambrose 9 CKrutu Law Wiggins Futurity FuturityM04 M04 Laurel 11lG 1471 fast 30 107 9 7 S 8 9 6 = 1 Karrick 9 Nadzu O Em Suffragist K7 Laurel 1 11G 1474 fast 15 102 7 5 5 5 7s 66J Nicklaus 10 HTurner Hlch Angclo My Gal 54 5429 9 II HdeGce deGce Im70y 145J good l 15 100 5 6 6 G 51 5 J Ambrose G RMetoor LofLangden Reybrn 6S94 HdeGce Im70y 1494 hvy 9 97 3 1 1 1 22 ln Ambrose 5 Supervisor Jacnuelina Chryseis 5293 HdeGce Im70y 117 good l 103 222 2 2 J 23 McCahey 9 Garth Taboo Banorella 112 By Canopus Chrysalis Miss A M Manone ianstown 34 1142 fast 20 109 9 9fGOl 999 92 ° D Connolly 9 Berkeley Isld Queen Theo Cook fGOl Jamestown 34 1154 fast G 10a 3 14 71 9 lluxton 12 Dipper Toniata Monkey 5274 HdeGrace 51 f 107 fast 2a 100 8 84SGO S 8 S S Ambrose S Premier Double Five Sixty 4SGO HdeGrace 34 l13i fast 15 112 1 14S 3 4 5 5 ° T Davies S BBoy DrRLSwnger CQueen 4S ° 8 H deGrace 51 f 107 fast o 107 5 5 10 10 10S T Koerner 11 B Thistle Kn Deckl Chll Queen 4309 Hamilton 34 1158 fast 15 110 3 3 3 32 23 McTagrt S Quartermaster Toddling MNett 4070 Fort Erie 34 114 fast 9 10 105 S 789 9iC Turner 9 Sal Volatile Thrifty SulTnigist 4012 Fort Erie 51 f 107 fast 10 1 110 0 2 11 1 ° 22 T Koerner 12 Napier Lord Ladas Bl Frances 1931 Jamestown 51 f lOSg fast 10 110 2 1 2 6l G J Bergen S FRuhstalier Toniata IGumell 1918 Jamestown 34 1151 fast S 110 2 2KINDER 11 I2 ln J Bergen 7 Masfu Joe Galtens Hareourt KINDER LOU br f 3 105 105774S By Dick Finnell Alcestis Miss E Palmer 774S Marlboro 51 f 112 hvy 10 93 7I2JF Moore 7 Racing Bell Tony W Viley 7742 Marlboro 5i f l09slow 4 107 2 F Moore 7 Jewel of Asia Cl Brush Bryn 93 2 3 F Moore S Cliff Top L fourno St Avano 310 8 999 918lChappell 9 Leocliares Briar Path Tarts 103 5 5 Brush Doc Tracy Uncle Ohio 4S39 Pimlico 5S l02g fast 32 107 5 4 416SO 5s 3J Dunn G Uncle Obie Grosvenor Humility 16SO Pimlico 34 110 fast 910 114 114tDIsaualifled 11Q C White 5 Uncle Obie Dogwood Frijolee tDIsaualifled tDIsaualifledHANS HANS CREEK b e 3 107 By Potomac Onaga J J Moran 8076 Pimlico 1 l42fast Cl 90 7 9 8 9 7 711 McCahey 12 Ed Gniney StelcUff Rock Fish 793 HdeGce Im70yl47good 30 92 2 1 2 4 o2 6l2JMcCahey G Setback FMulholland MAnnK 761 Jamestown 1 l4good 40 93 7 7 6 7 6l 612iMeCahey S El Oro FredMulholland Mud Sill 734 Jamestown 34115 fast 7o 101 7 76 4 5 3 McCahey 10 Cloud Chief W Welles Heretic 717 Jamesfwn 5i f l 9fast 10 102 5 2 3 33 431 McCahey t Chemulpo Smash Tiger Jim 662 Jamestown 7S l2Sfast 50 96 8 4 7 7 7fizn 7s 717 McCahey 8 Cherryola Armor Merrv Lad fizn lamest n 51 f 1 OSVsfast 25 100 5 89 89ESOlliurel 82 1017 McCahey 12 Exton Chilton King Ancon ESOlliurel 34 1134 fast 40 101 3 67 67S7 8 S T Davies S Grosvenor Carousel Early Light S7 8 laurel 51 f 1078 fast 20 104 5 G S 910 gujT Davies 12 Lewin Grosvenor Fred Levy 5455 ILdeGrace 18 1004 fast 7 1006 G 6 6TjKt 51 71S T Davies S Chuckles Honey Bee Smash TjKt H deGrace 31 118 hvy 2 IOC 5 J 1 1J I2 C H Sliilg 9 Exton Falconet Mary Ann K 5271 HdeGrace 51fl07gfast 12 100 G G 6 6LADY 55 2nk McCahey 7 George Stoll Star Gnze Vlrllt VlrlltBy LADY IRMA b m 7 110 By Kempronius Lady Balgowaa Beverwyck Stable t Cuk C7J Byrne 7 Back Bay Sixty Montcalin 1 4 114 fast 30 104 T eft at the post Teahan 10 Azyiade Sherwood Rose Queen HdeGrace o 51 f 1 l07 0 good 6 109 2 4 5 53 4 Ambrose 7 Onager CherrvSeed Miridlnetto 5J32 HdeGrace 34 1151 slop 10 10J 7 10 10 10 10 J Glass 10 ren Ixjyal Ainoret Oclire Court 534 ILdeGrace 34 113 fast la 115 4 2 5 5l 52J Byrne S Sherwood Atnoret Coming Coon 5123 ILdeGrace 34 1124 fast 4 1143 11434S58 4 42 4JC Turner 7 Hedge Cbryseis Sticker 4914 HdeGrace 34 113 fast 8 19 1 3 5 5T G Burns 5 Paton Amorct Sherwood 4S58 4760 HdeGrace 34 113 fast 10 119 2 2ARRAN 3 31 41G Burns S Azyiade Sherwood TowtonFIcld ARRAN b B 3 107 By Charles Edward Blue Violet F Musante 7C92 7635 Jamesfwn Jamestown 51 5S f JOSfast l0fast 12 40 103 101 7 6 76 31 21 D Connollyl2 Rockrest CaptJinks IGumraell 3 c 3 3j 107 By Bowling Brook Golden ValleyLMStackhouso j f 107 fast 10 104 9 999 S3 A Fergusn 0 Rosturtium Tarts Genesta S4 11DJ fast 15 115 13 13 13 13 1324 Brjuce 1J Goldy Syosset Kewcssa UNCLE OBIE ch c 3 3S057 By Boanerges Ethel T Mrs J W Dayton S057 Pimlico 34 l15ifast 164 S2 Ul Madeira 12 Brynary Little Jupiter Bryn 7957 Pimlico 34 l14fast 103 1013 D Hoffmanll Lord Wells Pop Gun Rac Bolle 646 J Pimlico 34 117 hvy 50 50G37S 5 1 35i Langford 15 HoneyBee GeoStoll Dig Dipper G37S Pimlico 1 141 fast 100 100G1S5 7 718iLangford 7 Tartar Barnegat Strenuuus G1S5 Laurel 34 1184 hvy 40 5 51B Langford 5 Yenghee Brynary Ragusa 6000 Laurel 51 f 1084 fast 30 11 lllBJKirschm 11 Star Actress Ins Man Latent 5903 Richmond 51 f lOSg fast 1 Kirschm 5 Spring Up Brush Blitz 5S92 Richmond 68 1034 slow S3 Madeira r Brush Doc Tracy Blitz 5456 HdeGrace 5S 101 fast 8 42 2 Butwell S Schaller Mimesis Ragusa 5292 HdeGrace 51 f 1082 good 15 15FIRM 4Z 4 W Dunn S Chuckles Battery Mary Ann K FIRM ch h 7 By Reliable Orthia H H Figart 7907 Pimlico 34 lllifast 11 H17 Madeira 11 Lord Wells Pop Gun Rac Belle SSG5 Jkville Iin70y l4Sfast 0 0SSS21 1 1 J Deavpt 12 Flarney Virginia Maid JUzart SSS21 Jkville 1 116 l4Sfast 15 7 7JI J Deavpt S I Diana Jack Right Maximum