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FIRST RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 98029 100 4 104 Index Courbe DIst TimeTckOdds Wt St 4 i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish QUEEN RUTH b f 4 107 By Bon Strome Sly Nun E Ryan 7970 CdAlene 58 102 fast 20 100 6 43 43C347 21 3U McDowll S Lee Harrison II Vuba Sterling C347 Anaconda 51 1102 good 95 109 5 7 6 li G HD Boland 7 Gerds Ledalake Nellie Neal 5111 Anaconda 51 f 111 good 3 Ii9 5 G G G4S51 G2 31 J Moore S Helen N Lady Mint King Earl 4S51 Hutte F C 110J fast 15 96 8 77 7 5 ° Forsythe S Kiora Tillinghast Ora McGee 4774 liutte F C 111R fast 51 107 C G G 53 2 ° J Moore 0 JustRed Jge Sale Gold Shower 4593 Butte F C 1118 fast 3 104 4 5 G 52 33 Taplin 10 Gene AVood Gerds Frieze 4167 Butte 5S l01s fast 3 102 7 78 7 P Buxtoii 11 Auto Girl Deccncv R Mitchell 4319 Butte 34 1148 fast 7 10S 2 12 2 i 3 1 Boland 7 Russell McGill First Star Gerds 4242 Butte 5i f 1OS fast 12 103 2 34 34KITTY 3 = i 421 Taplin 9 Tube Rose Saltlgrade H Gray GrayBy KITTY W ch f 3 97 97SOS3 By Gen Roberts Janice Marian G M VanGordcn SOS3 CdAleno 34 l15fast 10 100 2 3 4 52 5 ° McDowll 9 Stcrliu Maggie Oratorian 7937 CdAlene 51 f 109 fast 25 107 7 77 777S43 S Ss Iauley 8 KXelson Kfonnor LVZandt 7S43 CdAlene 5S l03Vsfast 14 94 1 22 2U LVZandt2U 323 Bezanson Abihu Abe Slupskey Free 7809 CdAlene 58 l03good 205 111 11 11 7 9 6 J King 11 M Hebert Phosphorm Mercm 7565 Juarez 51 f l07fast 30 4 f C G 10 914JBezanson 11 Kamchatka It Oiieil S Shapiro 03 Juarez 34 Il3fast GO 110 8 67 7 S15 A Murray 10 Ardelon Azurea Amity 05 Juarez 51 f l0i good 20 107 5 44 44C701 8 823 Gross S ShKnight Mazurka LVanZandl C701 Juarez 51 f 1OS2 good 7 93 7 55 55LADY 6 G12 J McCabe 7 Transparent Odella Salvage SalvageBy LADY MINT b f 4 107 By Ornament Lady Hortense M M Pirker 5347 Anaconda 51 f 110R good 51 109 2 47 5 4 W Fischer 7 Gerds Lednhike Nellie Neal 5187 Anaconda F C 1 16g mud 12 107 5 4 3 Snfc 3J T Hanover i Country Boy Gerds Gold Point 5111 Anaconda 5J f 111 good 10 103 2 44 444rt8 3SJ 2 Scldcn S Ifelen N Queen Ruth King Earl 4rt8 Butte F C 112 slop 40 106 3 44 5s Earl5s 5SJ golden 7 Clint Tucker Judge Sale tnfrun tnfrunSi 4593 Butte F C 1112 fast 20 108 7 87 87DORIAN Si S1 Rosen 10 Gene Wood Gerds Queen Ruth RuthBy DORIAN PRINCE ch g 9 111 111KM By Dorian Lone Princess C Dietz KM Lagoon 58 11 JJ hvy 21 109 G 78 9 7 l Forsythe 9 Masalo Melts Susan F 603 Lagoon 58 lOSii hvy 9 113 1 22 2 2 i Rosen 7 GBear LIlariisonlL MCoghill 692 Lagoon 5S 1062 mud 5 110 2 44 62 5laiW Fischer 7 G Intent AHyman FMoVlister 6451 Lagoon 5S l07g mud 31 109 5 41 I2 l2 Rosen Pretty Soon Calla Alaxle Alaxleink 6399 Lagoon F C l16g mud 10 110 1 11 11DUBLIN ink 2s Itosen C Zihkand A Schneider Dalilgron DalilgronBy DUBLIN MINSTREL ch g 5 111 1117M9 By Stalwart Radiance Mallett Ferrell 7M9 OdAJene 5S l02tffast 10 IttS 4 S3 S3G507 S S10 T T BurnslO MCoylilll KWIcks Right Littio G507 Lagoon F C 1192 hvy 25 109 2 Fell W Fischer 9 Orsitolat TStandrd OCuuhnm 6410 Lagoon 5S 1 07 hvy 2 109 4 55 41 4s aorsythe 7 Lookout PrcttySoon Mono Lake 0838 Ixigoon 1 l4SJ mud 15 107 G 7 7 S S R27 Hanover S FGuard Volndny Jr 51 Couhlil 6272 Lagoon 1141 fast 20 104 3433 3433J105 4l G Pauley 9 Engraver Hoval River Elgin J105 Lagoon 78 lS8j fast 8 10 3 4 4 4 if Elginif 22 Anderson i larieCoghil BaalijpJ Froj Eve SNEEZER cK g 5 By Silverdale Quoon Popper W M Baker 5745 Victoria 34 119J mud Gl 721 C Grand 7 Green Isle Twickenham Xool 5717 Victoria 41 f 56g good 5J 5 C Grand 7 DDlcassyWlltruflo S Grlz Bear 5338 Victoria 1 It43g fast 7s 7 iSIelorf S Nannie McDw Cuvlna Risky 5502 Victoria 78 129 fast G RiskyG G = 2 Sleloff C Sir Fretful Don Enrlimc Beda 5493 Victoria 5S 1022 fast 51 G91 Sleloff i AunieWells H Hawkins Palaver Palaver3s 5312 Vancouver 7S l33g mud 3s 38 Sieloff 5 Kddio Mott Crex Gala Gala8i 49CS Vancouver 1 1482 mud 8i 8s pickens 9 Elgin CrcY Soon 4jf 4 Vancouver 5S 104M mud 4S 32J Kederis 9 LUossiugton Gilbert Rose Narfl NarflBy ADA DOYLE b f 4 By The Roman Chanterelle T H Ryan Sl 3 PdAlene 34 l15fast 7 711 Moleswh 9 Sterlin Maggie Oratorian 7931 CdAlene 5S l02fast S S Woods S Golf Ball Wist li MCoghill 7362 Juarez 34 115 fast fast732G 9 1014Carter 12 Descendt KEarl Lllarrisonll 732G Juarez 31 117 slow slow71SG S 9 Robblns 11 McAlan Robertn Jim L 71SG Juarez 51 f l12g hvy hvyGOTOBED C 5J Carter 7 Hasson L Van Xandt KallInla KallInlaBy GOTOBED SON b c 3 By Gotobed Viona F Rinehart SC07 CdAlene 31 110 fast G GojBczanson S K Onnor Mercurium Imiuleta 7937 CdAlene 5 f 109 fast 51 731 A Murray 8 KNelsoii K Connor LVandt 7018 Juarez 51 f 107 last lastLADY 10 10 Burgame 11 Fitzgerald AskMa KatlyConnor KatlyConnorBy LADY PENDEH blk f 3 By Lackford Ameliana Kentucky Stable SOSS CdAlene 51 f 108 fast 1 71B Pauley 7 Camhi Safranor Holabird