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The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race i Ihq small figure under Fin unless tho horse won shows the number of lengths the horse was behind the winner weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races FIRST RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling S13CG 100 3 110 Index Course DIst TimeTckOdds Wt St Vi ViBULGAR Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy BULGAR b g 2 10D 10D7KI1 By Marta Santa Roberta Lee J J ifcCaffcrty 7KI1 Pimlico 12 4S fast 95 10S 2 27SU7 1 1 1 C Turner 7 The Idol Wooden Shoes Stellata 7SU7 HdeGraco 41 f 5C mud 920 103 2 1 17S13 1 11 2 C Turner 0 C Cannell Lennic D Colonel O 7S13 HdeGrace 4J t 54fast G 101 1 1 1 1i 32i C Turner 0 Gordon Wooden Shoes T Urchin 764 Jamestown 12 49 fast 95 111 2 1 I1 1J Corey i TinIdol FreeTrade Miss Waters 763 Jamestown 12 49mud 31 110 2 1 I1 2h Corey 10 SouiiyBoy TradeMurk E Lcska 7634 Jamestown 12 4Sfast 4 113 3 1 ink 34 Frach S WShoes Trade Mark KHyams 7549 Charleston 12 49fast 45 114 2 1 I3 I3 Frach 7 FreeTrade Bulgarian Ave 75116 Charleston 31 f 42good 75 117 1 174S3 2 22 341 Monrton 10 Harwood FFIamingo PRledge 74S3 Chariest n 3 f 43 fast 85 112 1 1WOODEN 1 I4 1s Pickett S Stonehenge Colors Jessie Louise LouiseBy WOODEN SHOES ch g 2 111 By Burgomaster Breakdown J 0 Talboti 7991 Pimlico 12 4S 4Ssfast sfast 710 lit 0 5 4 3 Mondon 7 Bulgar Tlie Idol Stellata 79IS HtleOrace 41 f fast 32 119 3 3J 4 = i ilondon 7 W Waddoll Fathom Spearheal 7813 HdeGrace 4 f 54fast S5 111 2 2 3 23 Mondon Gordon JJnlsar The Urchin r 2 Jamestwn 41 f fefast 910 110 1 2 ink int Mondon C Florin Ilobt Oliver Checkmate 7G3J Jamestown 12 48fast 2 110 4 47M2 3 3 ° 1 = Mondon S Trade Mark Bulsar It Hyama 7M2 Charlesfn 31 f 42fast 95 107 3 5 3 S1 Mondon S Single Ilarwood Miss Waters 7431 Charlesfn 3i f 42fast 6 109 2 2 1J I1 Mondon 11 Manners Harwood Ada 7398 Charleston 3S ST fast 3 109 7 7ROBERT 6 61 55J Musgrve 9 Bul ar Ruby Hyams Ilarwood IlarwoodBy ROBERT OLIVER ch g 2 109 109I2S By Fatherless Diamontina R Parr ParrC I2S HdeGrace 4i f 55 fast 12 111 1 C Cs CSJ C Turner 7 W Waddell Fathom Spearhead 791 HdeGrace 12 49 good 31 IOC 4 fi Spearheadfi G 553 Butwell 0 KIley Uncle Jlmtnie Armament 7732 Jamestwn 41 f 55fast 41 109 3 37C9G 4 Si 331 Butwell C Wn Shoes Florin Checkmate 7C9G Jamestown 12 49 fast S 109 6 6MILKY 5 C4 1 ButWell S TrMark Checkmate TeaKuoujrh TeaKuoujrhBy MILKY WAY ch f 2 104 104795S By Star Shoot Olga Nethorsole R T Wilson 795S Pimlico 12 4Sfast 107 5 0 S 5 i Wolfe IT Jfater Crosslmn Armament 7830 HdeGrace 41 f 54fast 25 100 4 47S82 LynnC 3 4s 4i Wolfe f Gordon Mordecai Preston Lynn 7S82 HdeGrace 12 4Sfast 15 99 2 C Ci 47 Wolfe S Gordon Veilohen Canto 7770 Jamcsfwn 41 f 57 mud 41 103 5 577G9 5 4 44i Wolfe 5 Sy Boy T Enough Edna Liska 77G9 Jamestown 1 2 50good 7 110 4 4KETTLEDRUM 5 81 6 = 2 G Bums 10 Galaxy Mater Tea Enough EnoughBy KETTLEDRUM b c 2 112 112SU2S By McGee Flycatcher J S Tyrce SU2S Iimlico 4i f 5o4fast 23 107 1 1MOLMA 5 55 5H II Hoffman 7 W Waddell Grazelle Cutaway CutawayBy MOLMA b f 2 109 1097SSO By McGee Volma W P Scully 7SSO HdeGrace 41 f 55slow 100 102 S S7S19 S S S13 W Median S Galaxy Mater Vega 7S19 HdeGrace 41 f 54 fast CO 10S 7 7 8s S = 4 Skirvin 9 Un Jiramie Holiday Stonehenge